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Centro de Engenharia de Sistemas Empresariais

O CESE utiliza o conhecimento gerado no âmbito da investigação para fornecer serviços de alto valor a empresas industriais em áreas como Design de Sistemas de Produção, Planeamento e Gestão de Sistemas de Produção, Plataformas Colaborativas, Estratégia de Cadeia de Fornecimento, Inteligência ao nível da Indústria de Produção ou Gestão de Informação.

A nossa missão é promover o conhecimento científico em engenharia de sistemas empresariais, fomentar a gestão de alto impacto e sistemas TIC e desenvolver serviços inovadores para organizações industriais.

Pretendemos ser reconhecidos como um centro de investigação líder em engenharia de sistemas empresariais e como uma primeira escolha no apoio às organizações industriais para que estas possam alcançar níveis sustentáveis e de alto desempenho.

Últimas Notícias

Como criar cadeias logísticas mais “sustentáveis”? A discussão passa pelo Porto com chancela INESC TEC

O fórum de Sustentabilidade da EurOMA vai juntar investigadores de todo o mundo para discutir e repensar o atual modelo linear de oferta e procura e mostrar como as empresas podem adotar operações regenerativas e restauradoras que tenham impacto ambiental e social positivo. O Porto recebe evento nos próximos dois anos.  

17 outubro 2024

As disrupções nas cadeias de abastecimento são um problema para as PME. O INESC TEC tem um modelo para as ajudar

Uma cadeia de abastecimento resiliente deve ser capaz de inovar e adaptar-se a novas realidades. O projeto RISE-SME conta com o INESC TEC para dotar os intervenientes das cadeias com mais soluções para detetar e antecipar disrupções. Em Portugal, 99,9% do tecido empresarial é composto por estas empresas.  

17 outubro 2024

Novo curso para ajudar as empresas a responder aos desafios da digitalização arranca em outubro

“Digitalização Shopfloor – fazer acontecer a digitalização na indústria” – é este o nome do novo programa de formação, organizado por INESC TEC e INEGI, que arranca já em outubro. O programa está desenhado para ajudar as empresas a responder aos desafios da digitalização e as inscrições já estão abertas através deste link.

16 julho 2024

Engenharia e Gestão de Sistemas

Entregas sustentáveis: investigadores querem apoiar retalhistas na resposta ao impacto ambiental do comércio online

Compras online e entregas just-in-time – ou quase. Este foi um cenário ao qual nos habituamos, nos últimos anos, e que foi sobretudo impulsionado pela pandemia de COVID-19. Certo é que ainda não é totalmente conhecido o impacto ambiental das novas estratégias de retalho, designadamente no que se refere a novos modelos de negócio e hábitos de consumo, associados ao comércio eletrónico – este foi o ponto de partida do projeto e-LOG, liderado pelo INESC TEC, e que chegou agora ao fim.

17 abril 2024

Engenharia e Gestão de Sistemas

Investigadores apoiam a indústria transformadora na antecipação de perturbações e ruturas nas cadeias de abastecimento

Um grupo de investigadores europeus, incluindo do INESC TEC, vai, ao longo dos próximos três anos, trabalhar no desenvolvimento de modelos de gestão com o objetivo de apoiar e capacitar a indústria transformadora, em particular, as pequenas e médias empresas, para a identificação de eventuais perturbações e ruturas das cadeias de abastecimento – atuais e futuras. Este trabalho será desenvolvido no âmbito do projeto europeu RISE-SME e será focado em quatro ecossistemas industriais: agroalimentar, digital, mobilidade e transportes, e têxtil.

11 março 2024


Projetos Selecionados


Programa de Formação Avançada Industria 4 - 5a edição




Laboratório de Robótica Industrial e Automação


CESE Publicações

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More than tools: “video lecture capture” as a step towards pedagogic differentiation

Veiga, A; Gomes, AM; Remião, F;

Journal of Applied Research in Higher Education

PurposeThe present study aims to analyse the presumed relationship between VLC use and students’ grades.Design/methodology/approachThe research strategy unfolds as a case study (Yin, 1994), framed by how undergraduate students of pharmaceutical sciences used video lecture capture (VLC) and the impact of VLC on pedagogic differentiation. Looking at the course of Mechanistic Toxicology (MecTox), the objective is to describe this case of pharmaceutical sciences in depth.FindingsThe findings reveal that over 90% of students engaged with VLC videos, with the average viewing time exceeding the total available video minutes, indicating strong student engagement. The study particularly highlights VLC’s positive impact on students with lower academic performance (grades D and E), suggesting that VLC can help reduce the performance gap and support a more inclusive educational environment.Research limitations/implicationsThe findings may have limited generalisability beyond the specific context and sample used. However, this study allows the research findings to be compared with previous research (Remião et al., 2022), contributing to the debate on how pedagogic research can promote evidence-based decisions regarding innovative strategies. The meaning of educational inclusion processes and diversity is, thus, contingent on the institutionalisation of research as a practice of teaching and learning.Practical implicationsThe results of this study thus provide interesting insights for the design of strategic action, considering the diversity of students as seen in parents’ academic qualifications and students’ conditions (e.g. student-workers, living away from home, holding a grant of economic and social support).Social implicationsThe implications of research findings for society bring the issue of equity in education to the fore. By addressing the diverse needs of students, HEIs can contribute to greater educational equity.Originality/valueUsing VLC as a differentiated pedagogic device might give diversity “real” content insofar as institutional and national policies can mitigate the possible negative effects of parents’ low academic qualifications and the students’ conditions of living away from their residence area and holding a grant of economic and social support.


D3S: Decision support system for sectorization

Öztürk, EG; Rocha, P; Rodrigues, AM; Ferreira, JS; Lopes, C; Oliveira, C; Nunes, AC;


Sectorization problems refer to dividing a large set, area or network into smaller parts concerning one or more objectives. A decision support system (DSS) is a relevant tool for solving these problems, improving optimisation procedures, and finding feasible solutions more efficiently. This paper presents a new web-based Decision Support System for Sectorization (D3S). D3S is designed to solve sectorization problems in various areas, such as school and health districting,planning sales territories and maintenance operations zones, or political districting. Due to its generic design, D3S bridges the gap between sectorization problems and a state-of-the-art decision support tool. The paper aims to present the generic and technical attributes of D3S by providing detailed information regarding the problem-solution approach (based on Evolutionary Algorithms), objectives (most common in sectorization), constraints, structure and performance.


How to know it is "the one"? Selecting the most suitable solution from the Pareto optimal set. Application to sectorization

Öztürk, EG; Rodrigues, AM; Ferreira, JS; Oliveira, CT;


Multi -objective optimization (MOO) considers several objectives to find a feasible set of solutions. Selecting a solution from Pareto frontier (PF) solutions requires further effort. This work proposes a new classification procedure that fits into the analytic hierarchy Process (AHP) to pick the best solution. The method classifies PF solutions using pairwise comparison matrices for each objective. Sectorization is the problem of splitting a region into smaller sectors based on multiple objectives. The efficacy of the proposed method is tested in such problems using our instances and real data from a Portuguese delivery company. A non -dominated sorting genetic algorithm (NSGA-II) is used to obtain PF solutions based on three objectives. The proposed method rapidly selects an appropriate solution. The method was assessed by comparing it with a method based on a weighted composite single -objective function.


Many-objective sectorization for last-mile delivery optimization: A decision support system

Torres, G; Fontes, T; Rodrigues, AM; Rocha, P; Ribeiro, J; Ferreira, JS;


The efficient last-mile delivery of goods involves complex challenges in optimizing driver sectors and routes. This problem tends to be large-scale and involves several criteria to meet simultaneously, such as creating compact sectors, balancing the workload among drivers, minimizing the number of undelivered packages and reducing the dissimilarity of sectors on different days. This work proposes a Decision Support System (DSS) that allows decision-makers to select improved allocation strategies to define sectors. The main contribution is an interactive DSS tool that addresses a many-objective (more than 3 objectives) sectorization problem with integrated routing. It establishes a global allocation strategy and uses it as a benchmark for the created daily allocations and routes. A Preference-Inspired Co-Evolutionary Algorithm with Goal vectors using Mating Restriction (PICEA-g-mr) is employed to solve the many-objective optimization problem. The DSS also includes a visualization tool to aid decision-makers in selecting the most suitable allocation strategy. The approach was tested in a medium-sized Metropolitan Area and evaluated using resource evaluation metrics and visualization methods. The proposed DSS deals effectively and efficiently with the sectorization problem in the context of last-mile delivery by producing a set of viable and good-quality allocations, empowering decision-makers in selecting better allocation strategies. Focused on enhancing service efficiency and driver satisfaction, the DSS serves as a valuable tool to improve overall service quality.


Deep Reinforcement Learning-Based Approach to Dynamically Balance Multi-manned Assembly Lines

Santos, R; Marques, C; Toscano, C; Ferreira, M; Ribeiro, J;

Lecture Notes in Mechanical Engineering

Assembly lines are at the core of many manufacturing systems, and planning for a well-balanced flow is key to ensure long-term efficiency. However, in flexible configurations such as Multi-Manned Assembly Lines (MMAL), the balancing problem also becomes more challenging. Due to the increased relevance of these assembly lines, this work aims to investigate the MMAL balancing problem, to contribute for a more effective decision-making process. Therefore, a new approach is proposed based on Deep Reinforcement Learning (DRL) embedded in a Digital Twin architecture. The proposed approach provides a close-to-reality training environment for the agent, using Discrete Event Simulation to simulate the production system dynamics. This methodology was tested on a real-world instance with preliminary results showing that similar solutions to the ones obtained using optimization-based strategies are achieved. This research provides evidence of success in terms of dynamic resource assignment to tasks and workers as a basis for future developments. © 2024, The Author(s), under exclusive license to Springer Nature Switzerland AG.

Factos & Números

4Contratados de I&D


4Docentes do Ensino Superior


11Artigos em revistas indexadas