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Sou licenciado em Engenharia Elétrica e Informática pela Faculdade Lusíada, Famalicão (1994). Os meus interesses de investigação são o balanceamento, planeamento e desenvolvimento de novos sistemas de produção flexíveis e inovadores.

Desde, maio de 1995, sou investigador sénior no Centro de Engenharia de Sistemas Empresariais do INESC TEC, onde tenho participando ativamente em atividades de investigação e desenvolvimento. Participei em vários projetos de I & D, incluindo: “CEC-made-shoe: Custom, Environment and Comfort made shoe”, “EUROShoE – extended user oriented shoe enterprise“, “CICLOP - Computerised and integrated closing operations”, “FIT4U - Framework of Integrated Technologies for User Centred Products (2 European patents) 

de interesse


  • Nome

    Rui Diogo Rebelo
  • Cargo

    Coordenador de Centro
  • Desde

    01 maio 1995


An IIoT Solution for SME's

Cunha, B; Hernández, E; Rebelo, R; Sousa, C; Ferreira, F;


The innovation and digitalization of the industry is happening triggered by the Industry 4.0 and Industrial Internet-of-Things (IIoT) paradigm. Enterprises are following the trend of digital transformation and are fostering projects that enable a higher comprehension of I4.0 solutions to answer their needs. The IIoT platforms have been a central component for industrial systems architectures to enable interoperability and data flow within industrial settings. However, the digitalization process has all sorts of shortcomings associated to them, and in the SME's this transformation has been slow to none. In this work we showcase a proof of concept of an IIoT platform that intends to simplify the digitalization process in SME's, based on the Portuguese footwear industry cluster.


Using variable neighbourhood descent and genetic algorithms for sequencing mixed-model assembly systems in the footwear industry

Sadeghi, P; Rebelo, RD; Ferreira, JS;


This paper addresses a new Mixed-model Assembly Line Sequencing Problem in the Footwear industry. This problem emerges in a large company, which benefits from advanced automated stitching systems. However, these systems need to be managed and optimised. Operators with varied abilities operate machines of various types, placed throughout the stitching lines. In different quantities, the components of the various shoe models, placed in boxes, move along the lines in either direction. The work assumes that the associated balancing problems have already been solved, thus solely concentrating on the sequencing procedures to minimise the makespan. An optimisation model is presented, but it has just been useful to structure the problems and test small instances due to the practical problems' complexity and dimension. Consequently, two methods were developed, one based on Variable Neighbourhood Descent, named VND-MSeq, and the other based on Genetic Algorithms, referred to as GA-MSeq. Computational results are included, referring to diverse instances and real large-size problems. These results allow for a comparison of the novel methods and to ascertain their effectiveness. We obtained better solutions than those available in the company.


Scheduling of Assembly Systems in the Footwear Industry

Basto J.; Ferreira J.S.; Rebelo R.D.;

Proceedings of the International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Operations Management

In the last years, the paradigm of the Portuguese footwear industry has improved drastically to become one of the main world players. In fact, a lot has changed, from low-cost mass production to serving clients consisting of small retail chains, where orders are small and models are varied. In order to deal with such modifications, the footwear industry started investing in technological solutions. The industrial case presented in this paper fits that purpose. The goal is to contribute to the solution of complex scheduling problems arising in the new mixed-model flexible automatic stitching systems of an important footwear factory. The project starts by building an optimization model. Although the model has its own usefulness, the CPLEX program is only capable of reaching optimal solutions for small problem instances. Therefore, a recent metaheuristic, the Imperialist Competitive Algorithm (ICA), has been chosen to tackle larger problems. The ICA is capable of finding optimal results for smaller instances and achieving adequate solutions for real problems in short periods of time. Moreover, ICA improves the results obtained so far by the method currently used in the factory.


Exploring the Linkages Between the Internet of Things and Planning and Control Systems in Industrial Applications

Soares, R; Marques, A; Gomes, R; Guardão, L; Hernández, E; Rebelo, R;

Lecture Notes in Mechanical Engineering

The potential of the Internet of Things (IoT) and other technologies in the realm of Industry 4.0 to generate valuable data for monitoring the performance of the production processes and the whole supply chain is well established. However, these large volumes of data can be used within planning and control systems (PCSs) to enhance real-time planning and decision-making. This paper conducts a literature review to envisage an overall system architecture that combines IoT and PCS for planning, monitoring and control of operations at the level of an industrial production process or at the level of its supply chain. Despite the extensive literature on IoT implementations, few studies explain the interactions between IoT and the components of PCS. It is expected that, with the increasing digitization of business processes, approaches with PCS and IoT become ubiquitous in the near future. © 2020, Springer Nature Switzerland AG.


Implementing RAMI4.0 in Production - A Multi-case Study

Hernández, E; Senna, P; Silva, D; Rebelo, R; Barros, AC; Toscano, C;

Lecture Notes in Mechanical Engineering

The Industry 4.0 (i4.0) paradigm was conceived bearing smart machines enabling capabilities, mostly through real-time communication both between smart equipment on a shop floor and decision-aiding software at the business level. This interoperability is achieved mostly through a reference architecture specifically designed for i4.0, which is aimed at devising the information architecture with real-time capabilities. From such architectures, the Reference Architectural Model for Industrie 4.0 (RAMI 4.0) is considered the preferred approach for implementation purposes, especially within Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs). Nevertheless, the implementation of RAMI 4.0 is surrounded with great challenges when considering the current industrial landscape, which requires retrofitting of existing equipment and the various communication needs. Through three different case studies conducted within footwear and cork industries, this research proposes a RAMI 4.0 SME implementation methodology that considers the initial stages of equipment preparation to enable smart communications and capabilities. The result is a methodological route aimed for SMEs’ implementation of smart machines, based on RAMI 4.0, which considers both the technological aspects as well as the business requirements. © 2020, Springer Nature Switzerland AG.