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No CAP desenvolvemos atividade na área da Fotónica Aplicada, principalmente no campo da tecnologia das fibras óticas.

Estamos orientados para a investigação aplicada e desenvolvimento nas áreas das fontes em fibra ótica, comunicações óticas, sensores em fibra e microfabricação (filmes finos e ótica integrada).

Procuramos também oportunidades para a transferência de tecnologia para a indústria portuguesa através das nossas competências específicas em optoeletrónica e integração de sistemas eletrónicos.

Últimas Notícias

Investigador INESC TEC premiado no Dia do Programa Doutoral em Engenharia Física

Miguel Almeida, investigador do INESC TEC, foi premiado no Dia do Programa Doutoral em Engenharia Física – PRODEF 2024 – pela melhor apresentação oral. O trabalho apresentado pelo investigador – intitulado “The advantages of using Tamm Plasmon Resonance for Hydrogen sensing over Traditional Plasmonic Methods” apresentou avanços no desenvolvimento de sensores em fibra ótica para a deteção de hidrogénio.

08 novembro 2024


INESC TEC volta a bater recorde com dois robôs portugueses a descer a 830m de profundidade para proteção de infraestruturas críticas subaquáticas, no maior exercício robótico do mundo

O REPMUS – Robotic Experimentation and Prototyping with Maritime Unmanned Systems, o maior exercício de experimentação operacional de sistemas não tripulados do mundo, realizou-se mais uma vez em Portugal, entre os dias 9 e 27 de setembro de 2024, nas localidades de Troia e Sesimbra.

17 outubro 2024


Investigador do INESC TEC nomeado membro Fellow da Sociedade Europeia de Ótica

Orlando Frazão, investigador do INESC TEC, foi nomeado membro Fellow da Sociedade Europeia de Ótica (EOS - European Optical Society) para o ano de 2024, em reconhecimento da sua longa carreira na área da fotónica aplicada, nomeadamente nos sensores em fibra ótica.

02 outubro 2024

INESC TEC com 5 projetos exploratórios FCT aprovados em 4 áreas de I&D

Telecomunicações e multimédia, fotónica aplicada, software confiável e sistemas de computação avançada – são estas as quatro áreas que os investigadores do INESC TEC vão trabalhar no âmbito dos cinco projetos que foram aprovados através do Concurso de Projetos Exploratórios da Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia (FCT).

02 outubro 2024


INESC TEC participa na 19ª edição da Escola de Verão de Física da FCUP

Foram vários os investigadores do INESC TEC que participaram na 19ª edição da Escola de Verão de Física da Faculdade de Ciências da Universidade do Porto (FCUP). Através da mentoria de projetos e visitas guiadas aos laboratórios, os investigadores da instituição mostraram aos 61 alunos que participaram nesta atividade, o papel diferenciador que o INESC TEC tem na interface entre a academia, a ciência e a tecnologia.

04 setembro 2024



Laboratório de Microfabricação

Laboratório de Imagiologia



Gold-coated silver nanorods on side-polished singlemode optical fibers for remote sensing at optical telecommunication wavelengths

dos Santos, PSS; Mendes, JP; Pastoriza-Santos, I; Juste, JP; de Almeida, JMMM; Coelho, LCC;


The lower refractive index sensitivity (RIS) of plasmonic nanoparticles (NP) in comparison to their plasmonic thin films counterparts hindered their wide adoption for wavelength-based sensor designs, wasting the NP characteristic field locality. In this context, high aspect-ratio colloidal core-shell Ag@Au nanorods (NRs) are demonstrated to operate effectively at telecommunication wavelengths, showing RIS of 1720 nm/RIU at 1350 nm (O-band) and 2325 nm/RIU at 1550 nm (L-band), representing a five-fold improvement compared to similar Au NRs operating at equivalent wavelengths. Also, these NRs combine the superior optical performance of Ag with the Au chemical stability and biocompatibility. Next, using a side-polished optical fiber, we detected glyphosate, achieving a detection limit improvement from 724 to 85 mg/L by shifting from the O to the C/L optical bands. This work combines the significant scalability and cost-effective advantages of colloidal NPs with enhanced RIS, showing a promising approach suitable for both point-of-care and long-range sensing applications at superior performance than comparable thin film-based sensors in either environmental monitoring and other fields.


Improving LIBS-based mineral identification with Raman imaging and spectral knowledge distillation

Lopes, T; Cavaco, R; Capela, D; Dias, F; Teixeira, J; Monteiro, CS; Lima, A; Guimaraes, D; Jorge, PAS; Silva, NA;


Combining data from different sensing modalities has been a promising research topic for building better and more reliable data-driven models. In particular, it is known that multimodal spectral imaging can improve the analytical capabilities of standalone spectroscopy techniques through fusion, hyphenation, or knowledge distillation techniques. In this manuscript, we focus on the latter, exploring how one can increase the performance of a Laser-induced Breakdown Spectroscopy system for mineral classification problems using additional spectral imaging techniques. Specifically, focusing on a scenario where Raman spectroscopy delivers accurate mineral classification performance, we show how to deploy a knowledge distillation pipeline where Raman spectroscopy may act as an autonomous supervisor for LIBS. For a case study concerning a challenging Li-bearing mineral identification of spodumene and petalite, our results demonstrate the advantages of this method in improving the performance of a single-technique system. LIBS trained with labels obtained by Raman presents an enhanced classification performance. Furthermore, leveraging the interpretability of the model deployed, the workflow opens opportunities for the deployment of assisted feature discovery pipelines, which may impact future academic and industrial applications.


Surface Plasmon Resonance Sensor Based on a Planar Waveguide with a Bimetallic Layer

Rodrigues, HJB; Cardoso, MP; Miranda, CC; Romeiro, AF; Giraldi, MTR; Silva, AO; Costa, JCWA; Santos, JL; Guerreiro, A;


This paper presents the examination of a planar waveguide sensor featuring a bimetallic layer, revealing its potential applicability across both the visible and infrared spectrums. The bimetallic layer consists of adjacent gold and silver slabs positioned atop the waveguide's core. This arrangement demonstrates the activation of two distinct plasmon resonances, indicating promising prospects for multiparameter sensing applications.


Corneal Biomechanical Changes in Patients with Inherited Retinal Diseases

Marta, A; Ferreira, A; Couto, I; Neves, MM; Gomes, M; Oliveira, L; Soares, CA; Menéres, MJ; Lemos, C; Beirao, JM;


Purpose: Inherited retinal diseases (IRDs) are a group of degenerative disorders of the retina, that can be potentially associated with changes in the anterior segment, but their prevalence and impact are not known. Exploring these concomitant ophthalmologic changes with biomechanical assessment may help identify other non-retina causes of vision loss in these patients, such as corneal ectasia or susceptibility to glaucoma. This study aimed to measure and compare corneal biomechanics in patients with and without IRDs. Methods: A total of 77 patients (154 eyes) with IRD were recruited as the study group. The control group consisted of 77 healthy adults (154 eyes) with matched age and sphere equivalents. All participants underwent a comprehensive assessment including corneal tomography (Pentacam (R)) and biomechanical assessment (Corvis ST (R)). A total of 4 second-generation biomechanical parameters and 3 indexes were collected: Ambrosio Relational Thickness (ARTh), Deflection Amplitude Ratio Max (DARM), Integrated Radius (IR) and Stiffness Parameter at Applanation (SP-A1), the final deviation value D of the Belin/Ambrosio Enhanced Ectasia Display (BADResults: For IRD patients, there was a higher DARM (p < 0.001), lower ARTh (p < 0.001), higher CBI (p < 0.001), higher TBI (p<0.001), and higher BAD-D (p < 0.001) compared to the control group. Regarding discrimination of healthy subjects and IRD patients, ARTh was the most sensitive parameter. Conclusion: The results showed that IRD patients tend to have softer corneal behaviour, compared to eyes without pathology, which may predispose patients to corneal ectasia or glaucoma development. ARTh could be used to screen IRD patients if a non-retina cause of vision loss is suspected.


Autonomous and intelligent optical tweezers for improving the reliability and throughput of single particle analysis

Teixeira, J; Moreira, FC; Oliveira, J; Rocha, V; Jorge, PAS; Ferreira, T; Silva, NA;


Optical tweezers are an interesting tool to enable single cell analysis, especially when coupled with optical sensing and advanced computational methods. Nevertheless, such approaches are still hindered by system operation variability, and reduced amount of data, resulting in performance degradation when addressing new data sets. In this manuscript, we describe the deployment of an automatic and intelligent optical tweezers setup, capable of trapping, manipulating, and analyzing the physical properties of individual microscopic particles in an automatic and autonomous manner, at a rate of 4 particle per min, without user intervention. Reproducibility of particle identification with the help of machine learning algorithms is tested both for manual and automatic operation. The forward scattered signal of the trapped PMMA and PS particles was acquired over two days and used to train and test models based on the random forest classifier. With manual operation the system could initially distinguish between PMMA and PS with 90% accuracy. However, when using test datasets acquired on a different day it suffered a loss of accuracy around 24%. On the other hand, the automatic system could classify four types of particles with 79% accuracy maintaining performance (around 1% variation) even when tested with different datasets. Overall, the automated system shows an increased reproducibility and stability of the acquired signals allowing for the confirmation of the proportionality relationship expected between the particle size and its friction coefficient. These results demonstrate that this approach may support the development of future systems with increased throughput and reliability, for biosciences applications.

Factos & Números

0Artigos em conferências indexadas


0Capítulos de livros


3Contratados de I&D

