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Mobilizador Têxtil

The STVgoDIGITAL: Digitalization of the T&C sector project is a structural project of the Portuguese Textile Cluster: Technology and Fashion, which aims to comprise a set of research initiatives with a strong collective impact and high inductor and demonstrator effect. Clearly aligned with the Portuguese Textile Cluster strategy, namely with the strategic pillar Industry 4.0 which attempts to promote the digitalization and the adoption of this technologies by the Textile and Clothing sector. The project will bring together the Textile and Clothing sector and other complementary sectors that will enhance the transition to this new paradigm of Industry 4.0 by building new and complementary value chains. The project leader is TMG - TECIDOS PARA VESTUÁRIO E DECORAÇÃO, S.A. The technical and administrative coordination will be assured by CITVE. The project is organised in 5 technical PPS (Products, Processes and Services) that aim the development of innovative solutions and business models in different areas: PPS 1 - Sustainable and Circular Textile ID 4.0; PPS 2 - Supply Chain 4.0; PPS 3 - Fashion Ecosystem 4.0; PPS 4 - Worker 4.0; PPS 5 - Artificial Intelligence for ITV 4.0. Additionally, a transversal PPS (PPS6 ? Project management, dissemination and exploitation) will be dedicated to project management, dissemination and exploitation of the results. The STVgoDIGITAL project gathers 23 entities, 16 companies and 7 non-business R&D organisations (ENESII).Project Datasheet



  • Acronym

  • Start

    01st July 2020
  • Global Budget

    5.991.919,00 €
  • State

  • Effective End

    30th June 2023
  • End

    30th June 2023
  • Responsible

    César Toscano
  • Financing

    177.450,00 €