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Professor Auxiliar com Agregação da Universidade de Trás-os-Montes e Alto Douro (UTAD) e doutorado em Ciências da Engenharia Geográfica, pela Universidade do Porto e pela Universidade de Delft (Holanda), tendo apresenta a tese “Potential of integrating PSInSAR Methodologies in the Detection of Surface Deformation”. Atualmente, é Investigador (membro integrado) do Centre for Robotics in Industry and Intelligent Systems (CRISS), do INESC TEC/Polo UTAD, e investigador (colaborador) do CITAB (Centre for the Research and Technology of Agro-Environmental and Biological Sciences). Nos últimos anos tem-se dedicado, sobretudo, à utilização de Veículos Aéreos Não Tripulados (UAV) para aplicações agroflorestais. Utiliza imagens aéreas de elevada resolução, obtidas por diferentes sensores (RGB, NIR, Multiespectrais, Hiperespectrais e Térmicos) para, usando técnicas de processamento de imagem e desenvolvimento de algoritmos, extrair informações e parâmetros relevantes, sobretudo, na vinha, soutos e olivais. Estas técnicas são, no entanto, extensíveis à deteção e monitorização de grande parte das espécies arbóreas, que integram as nossas florestas, e de vegetação rasteira. É autor de várias publicações em revistas internacionais da especialidade do Remote Sensing. Participa em vários projetos de investigação, destacando-se o PARRA (Plataforma integrAda de monitoRização e avaliação da doença da flavescência douRada na vinha), em que é líder por parte da UTAD (SI I&DT, aviso Nº 08/SI/2015, Projeto em Co-Promoção, parceiros do projeto: TEKEVER ASDS - empresa líder, UTAD, Instituto Politécnico de Viana do Castelo, INIAV, Agrociência. Montante total atribuído 1.602.245,58€) e é membro do projeto Plataforma de Inovação da Vinha e do Vinho, linha Remote sensing and detection of grapevine diseases (Projeto I&DT pelo Norte2020, com um financiamento global de 4.500.000,00 €).



  • Name

    Joaquim João Sousa
  • Role

    Senior Researcher
  • Since

    01st January 2014


Comparative Evaluation of Remote Sensing Platforms for Almond Yield Prediction

Guimaraes, N; Fraga, H; Sousa, JJ; Pádua, L; Bento, A; Couto, P;


Almonds are becoming a central element in the gastronomic and food industry worldwide. Over the last few years, almond production has increased globally. Portugal has become the third most important producer in Europe, where this increasing trend is particularly evident. However, the susceptibility of almond trees to changing climatic conditions presents substantial risks, encompassing yield reduction and quality deterioration. Hence, yield forecasts become crucial for mitigating potential losses and aiding decisionmakers within the agri-food sector. Recent technological advancements and new data analysis techniques have led to the development of more suitable methods to model crop yields. Herein, an innovative approach to predict almond yields in the Tras-os-Montes region of Portugal was developed, by using machine learning regression models (i.e., the random forest regressor, XGBRegressor, gradient boosting regressor, bagging regressor, and AdaBoost regressor), coupled with remote sensing data obtained from different satellite platforms. Satellite data from both proprietary and free platforms at different spatial resolutions were used as features in the study (i.e., the GSMP: 11.13 km, Terra: 1 km, Landsat 8: 30 m, Sentinel-2: 10 m, and PlanetScope: 3 m). The best possible combination of features was analyzed and hyperparameter tuning was applied to enhance the prediction accuracy. Our results suggest that high-resolution data (PlanetScope) combined with irrigation information, vegetation indices, and climate data significantly improves almond yield prediction. The XGBRegressor model performed best when using PlanetScope data, reaching a coefficient of determination (R2) of 0.80. However, alternative options using freely available data with lower spatial resolution, such as GSMaP and Terra MODIS LST, also showed satisfactory performance (R2 = 0.68). This study highlights the potential of integrating machine learning models and remote sensing data for accurate crop yield prediction, providing valuable insights for informed decision support in the almond sector, contributing to the resilience and sustainability of this crop in the face of evolving climate dynamics.


Classification of Grapevine Varieties Using UAV Hyperspectral Imaging

López, A; Ogayar, CJ; Feito, FR; Sousa, JJ;


Classifying grapevine varieties is crucial in precision viticulture, as it allows for accurate estimation of vineyard row growth for different varieties and ensures authenticity in the wine industry. This task can be performed with time-consuming destructive methods, including data collection and analysis in the laboratory. In contrast, unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) offer a markedly more efficient and less restrictive method for gathering hyperspectral data, even though they may yield data with higher levels of noise. Therefore, the first task is the processing of these data to correct and downsample large amounts of data. In addition, the hyperspectral signatures of grape varieties are very similar. In this study, we propose the use of a convolutional neural network (CNN) to classify seventeen different varieties of red and white grape cultivars. Instead of classifying individual samples, our approach involves processing samples alongside their surrounding neighborhood for enhanced accuracy. The extraction of spatial and spectral features is addressed with (1) a spatial attention layer and (2) inception blocks. The pipeline goes from data preparation to dataset elaboration, finishing with the training phase. The fitted model is evaluated in terms of response time, accuracy and data separability and is compared with other state-of-the-art CNNs for classifying hyperspectral data. Our network was proven to be much more lightweight by using a limited number of input bands (40) and a reduced number of trainable weights (560 k parameters). Hence, it reduced training time (1 h on average) over the collected hyperspectral dataset. In contrast, other state-of-the-art research requires large networks with several million parameters that require hours to be trained. Despite this, the evaluated metrics showed much better results for our network (approximately 99% overall accuracy), in comparison with previous works barely achieving 81% OA over UAV imagery. This notable OA was similarly observed over satellite data. These results demonstrate the efficiency and robustness of our proposed method across different hyperspectral data sources.


A Systematic Review on Automatic Insect Detection Using Deep Learning

Teixeira, AC; Ribeiro, J; Morais, R; Sousa, JJ; Cunha, A;


Globally, insect pests are the primary reason for reduced crop yield and quality. Although pesticides are commonly used to control and eliminate these pests, they can have adverse effects on the environment, human health, and natural resources. As an alternative, integrated pest management has been devised to enhance insect pest control, decrease the excessive use of pesticides, and enhance the output and quality of crops. With the improvements in artificial intelligence technologies, several applications have emerged in the agricultural context, including automatic detection, monitoring, and identification of insects. The purpose of this article is to outline the leading techniques for the automated detection of insects, highlighting the most successful approaches and methodologies while also drawing attention to the remaining challenges and gaps in this area. The aim is to furnish the reader with an overview of the major developments in this field. This study analysed 92 studies published between 2016 and 2022 on the automatic detection of insects in traps using deep learning techniques. The search was conducted on six electronic databases, and 36 articles met the inclusion criteria. The inclusion criteria were studies that applied deep learning techniques for insect classification, counting, and detection, written in English. The selection process involved analysing the title, keywords, and abstract of each study, resulting in the exclusion of 33 articles. The remaining 36 articles included 12 for the classification task and 24 for the detection task. Two main approaches-standard and adaptable-for insect detection were identified, with various architectures and detectors. The accuracy of the classification was found to be most influenced by dataset size, while detection was significantly affected by the number of classes and dataset size. The study also highlights two challenges and recommendations, namely, dataset characteristics (such as unbalanced classes and incomplete annotation) and methodologies (such as the limitations of algorithms for small objects and the lack of information about small insects). To overcome these challenges, further research is recommended to improve insect pest management practices. This research should focus on addressing the limitations and challenges identified in this article to ensure more effective insect pest management.


Deep Learning Models for the Classification of Crops in Aerial Imagery: A Review

Teixeira, I; Morais, R; Sousa, JJ; Cunha, A;


In recent years, the use of remote sensing data obtained from satellite or unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) imagery has grown in popularity for crop classification tasks such as yield prediction, soil classification or crop mapping. The ready availability of information, with improved temporal, radiometric, and spatial resolution, has resulted in the accumulation of vast amounts of data. Meeting the demands of analysing this data requires innovative solutions, and artificial intelligence techniques offer the necessary support. This systematic review aims to evaluate the effectiveness of deep learning techniques for crop classification using remote sensing data from aerial imagery. The reviewed papers focus on a variety of deep learning architectures, including convolutional neural networks (CNNs), long short-term memory networks, transformers, and hybrid CNN-recurrent neural network models, and incorporate techniques such as data augmentation, transfer learning, and multimodal fusion to improve model performance. The review analyses the use of these techniques to boost crop classification accuracy by developing new deep learning architectures or by combining various types of remote sensing data. Additionally, it assesses the impact of factors like spatial and spectral resolution, image annotation, and sample quality on crop classification. Ensembling models or integrating multiple data sources tends to enhance the classification accuracy of deep learning models. Satellite imagery is the most commonly used data source due to its accessibility and typically free availability. The study highlights the requirement for large amounts of training data and the incorporation of non-crop classes to enhance accuracy and provide valuable insights into the current state of deep learning models and datasets for crop classification tasks.


Almond cultivar identification using machine learning classifiers applied to UAV-based multispectral data

Guimaraes, N; Padua, L; Sousa, JJ; Bento, A; Couto, P;


In Portugal, almonds are a very important crop, due to their nutritional properties. In the northeastern part of the country, the almond sector has endured over time, with strong cultural traditions and key economic significance. In these areas, several cultivars are used. In effect, the presence of various almond cultivars implies differentiated management in irrigation, disease control, pruning system, and harvest planning. Therefore, cultivar classification is essential over large agricultural areas. Over the last decades, remote-sensing data have led to important breakthroughs in the classification of different cultivars for several crops. Nonetheless, for almonds, studies are incipient. Thus, this study aims to fill this knowledge gap and explore the classification of almond cultivars in an almond orchard. High-resolution multispectral data were acquired by an unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV). Vegetation indices (VIs) and tree structural parameters were, subsequently, estimated. To obtain an accurate cultivar identification, four machine learning classifiers, such as K-nearest neighbour (kNN), support vector machine (SVM), random forest (RF), and extreme gradient boosting (XGBoost), were applied and optimized through the fine-tuning process. The accuracy of machine learning classifiers was analysed. SVM and RF performed best with OAs of 76% and 74% using VIs and spectral bands (GREEN, GRVI, GN, REN, ClRE). Adding the canopy height model (CHM) improved performance, with RF and XGBoost having OAs of 88% and 84%. kNN performed worst with an OA of 73% using only VIs and spectral bands, 80% with VIs, spectral bands and CHM, and 93% with VIs, CHM, and tree crown area (TCA). The best performance was achieved by RF and XGBoost with OAs of 99% using VIs, CHM, and TCA. These results demonstrate the importance of the feature selection process. Moreover, this study reveals the feasibility of remote-sensing data and machine learning classifiers in the classification of almond cultivars.



Phase unwrapping using ml methods

Diogo Gabriel da Silva Couto



Finding patterns that predict hyper and hypoglycaemia

Ricardo Bruno Ferreira de Faria



Hyperspectral data analysis for agriculture applications

Jonás Hruska



Irrigation management in olive groves with support of geomatics

Pedro Miguel Mota Marques



Aerial high-resolution imagery to assess almond orchard conditions

Nathalie dos Santos Guimarães
