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Frederico Branco is an assistant professor at the University of Trás-os-Montes and Alto Douro and a senior researcher at the INESC TEC research center. He has published over 90 articles in journals and event proceedings. He has published over 90 articles in journals and event proceedings. He is also involved in several academic works as a project, dissertation, and thesis supervisor and is continuously participating in several research projects. His professional career is also directly related to the industry, with a particular focus on various planning and implementation projects in information systems, with particular attention to the agri-food and services sectors. Throughout his career, he has held various senior management roles in the areas of operations, information systems, and quality management.



  • Name

    Frederico Branco
  • Since

    01st April 2015


The Relationship Between Digital Literacy and Digital Transformation in Portuguese Local Public Administration: Is There a Need for an Explanatory Model?

Arnaud, J; Mamede, HS; Branco, F;


We cannot neglect digital literacy because it is undeniable how much technology is part of our lives. Ignoring it and the tools and services it provides us, which greatly facilitate the human experience, is simply a mistake. Recognising the importance of digital literacy, primarily due to the digital transformation in Portugal, it will be necessary to have technological skills to overcome some limitations. Information and Communication Technologies are seen in this environment as a factor that can contribute, on a large scale, to the inclusion of individuals with a digital literacy deficit, both in the Portuguese Local Public Administration and in society in general. The growth of digital transformation causes almost all jobs to need digital skills and participation in society. It takes digitally intelligent employees who know not only to use but also innovate and lead to new technologies because digital transformation may not be successful without that capacity. Thus, it is pertinent to develop, propose and validate an explanatory model that improves the relationship between digital transformation in Portuguese Local Public Administration and the digital literacy of its employees.


The relationship between digital transformation and digital literacy - an explanatory model: Systematic literature review

Arnaud, J; São Mamede, H; Branco, F;


Digital transformation has been one of the main trends in organizations in recent years, and digital literacy is a critical factor in the success of this transformation. Digital transformation involves the use of digital technologies to improve an organization’s processes, products, and services. For this transformation to be successful, it is necessary for employees to have knowledge of and skills in digital technologies. Digital literacy allows employees to understand technologies and their applications, know how to use them efficiently and safely, evaluate and select the most appropriate digital tools for each task, and be prepared to deal with problems and challenges that arise in the digital environment. Thus, this study is relevant because it seeks to understand how digital literacy can impact Digital Transformation in organizations and, through the construction of an explanatory model, allows the identification of variables that influence this relationship by developing strategies to improve the digital literacy of employees in organizations.


Roadmap for Implementing Business Intelligence Systems in Higher Education Institutions: Systematic Literature Review

Sequeira, R; Reis, A; Alves, P; Branco, F;


Higher education institutions (HEIs) make decisions in several domains, namely strategic and internal management, without using systematized data that support these decisions, which may jeopardize the success of their actions or even their efficiency. Thus, HEIs must define and monitor strategies and policies essential for decision making in their various areas and levels, in which business intelligence (BI) plays a leading role. This study presents a systematic literature review (SLR) aimed at identifying and analyzing primary studies that propose a roadmap for the implementation of a BI system in HEIs. The objectives of the SLR are to identify and characterize (i) the strategic objectives that underlie decision making, activities, processes, and information in HEIs; (ii) the BI systems used in HEIs; (iii) the methods and techniques applied in the design of a BI architecture in HEIs. The results showed that there is space for developing research in this area since it was possible to identify several studies on the use of BI in HEIs, although a roadmap for its implementation was not identified, making it necessary to define a roadmap for the implementation of BI systems that can serve as a reference for HEIs.


Factors Affecting Cloud Computing Adoption in the Education Context-Systematic Literature Review

Santos, A; Martins, J; Pestana, PD; Gonçalves, R; Mamede, HS; Branco, F;


This systematic literature review investigates the factors influencing cloud computing adoption within both educational and organizational settings. By synthesizing a comprehensive body of research, this study finds and analyzes the determinants that shape the decision-making process about cloud technology adoption. Security, cost-effectiveness, scalability, interoperability, and regulatory compliance are examined across educational institutions and organizational contexts. Additionally, socio-economic, political, and technological factors specific to each context are explored to provide a nuanced understanding of the challenges and opportunities associated with cloud computing adoption. The review reveals commonalities and differences in adoption drivers and barriers between education and organizational environments, offering insights into tailored strategies for effective implementation. This research contributes to the existing literature by shedding light on the multifaceted nature of cloud adoption and offering valuable guidance for educators, organizational leaders, policymakers, and technology providers looking to use cloud computing to enhance operations and services.


Co-Valorisation Energy Potential of Wastewater Treatment Sludge and Agroforestry Waste

Borges, DS; Oliveira, M; Teixeira, MM; Branco, F;


The growing demand for sustainable and environment-friendly energy sources resulted in extensive research in the field of renewable energy. Biomass, derived from organic materials such as agricultural waste, forestry products, and wastewater treatment plant (WWTP) sludge, holds great potential as a renewable energy resource that can reduce greenhouse gas emissions and offer sustainable solutions for energy production. This study focused on diverse biomass materials, including sludge from WWTPs, forest biomass, swine waste, cork powder, and biochar. Chemical and physicochemical characterizations were performed to understand their energy potential, highlighting their elemental composition, proximate analysis, and calorific values. Results showed that different biomasses have varying energy content, with biochar and cork powder emerging as high-energy materials with net heating values of 32.56 MJ/kg and 25.73 MJ/kg, respectively. WWTP sludge also demonstrated considerable potential with net heating values of around 14.87 MJ/kg to 17.44 MJ/kg. The relationships between biomass compositions and their heating values were explored, indicating the significance of low nitrogen and sulphur content and favourable carbon, hydrogen, and moisture balances for energy production. Additionally, this study looked into the possibility of mixing different biomasses to optimize their use and overcome limitations like high ash and moisture contents. Mixtures, such as 75% Santo Emiliao WWTP Sludge + 25% Biochar, showed impressive net heating values of approximately 21.032 MJ/kg and demonstrated reduced emissions during combustion. The study's findings contribute to renewable energy research, offering insights into efficient and sustainable energy production processes and emphasizing the environmental benefits of biomass energy sources with low nitrogen and sulphur content.



Roadmap para implementação de sistemas de business inteligence em instituições do ensino superior

Nuno Romeu Cardoso Sequeira



Low-Cost iot-based remote and self-sustaining apiary monitoring system

Duarte Nuno Dutra Borges Cota



Plataforma de gestão de ocorrências-Mobile

Tiago Martinho Alves



Product order management

João Pedro Santos Eira



Plataforma de Gestão de Ocorrências Backoffice

Bruno Miguel Pimenta Sampaio
