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About 259 results

Collaborative Robotics for Assembly and Kitting in Smart Manufacturing

Project ColRobot’s main objective is to combine cutting-edge European robot technology and end-user requirements for assembly processes to create an integrated system for collaborative robotics in which a mobile manipulator acts as a “third hand” by delivering kits, tools, parts, a...

Integrated Components for Assisted Rescue and Unmanned Search operations

After the earthquakes in L’Aquila, Haiti and Japan, the European Commission confirmed that there exists a large discrepancy between (robotic) technology that is developed in laboratory and the use of such technology in the field for Search and Rescue (SAR) operations and crisis management.  Th...

Integrated Components for Assisted Rescue and Unmanned Search operations

After the earthquakes in L’Aquila, Haiti and Japan, the European Commission confirmed that there exists a large discrepancy between (robotic) technology that is developed in laboratory and the use of such technology in the field for Search and Rescue (SAR) operations and crisis management.  Th...

Mobilizador Têxtil

The STVgoDIGITAL: Digitalization of the T&C sector project is a structural project of the Portuguese Textile Cluster: Technology and Fashion, which aims to comprise a set of research initiatives with a strong collective impact and high inductor and demonstrator effect. Clearly aligned with the Portu...

intelligent Lab on a Fiber - Apoio à internacionalização da Propriedade Intelectual

iLoF is a new technology for the detection and classification of nanoparticles, namely exosomes, in complex liquids with great interest in clinical diagnosis in the Health Care Industry. Since it measures sample?s backscattered signal (from the light irradiation interaction with the particle) and an...

T-Shaped Master Programme for Innovative Mineral Resource Exploration

TIMREX started in 2022 in the frame of an education project as the response to the call of EIT RawMaterials for a master programme on mineral resources exploration. The TIMREX MSc programme aims to train earth science specialists, primarily geologists and geologist engineers, to help meet the...

Context extraction for blind using computer vision

Increasing the autonomy of the blind or people with low vision, allowing them to be included in a large set of activities and improving their quality of life, using a mobile digital platform – this is INESC TEC’s goal with project CE4BLIND. Besides computer vision techniques, new forms...


WaterPercept is a new technology for measuring, in real time, the amount of water in vegetation, with great interest in Agri-Food Industry. Since it uses microwaves for the measurements, WaterPercept is capable of measuring the amount of water in deeper plant layers and is immune to interferences ca...

Think big on small frontier towns: Alto Alentejo and Alta Extremadura leonesa (13th - 16th centuries)

The Frontowns project studies the small border towns between the Portuguese Alto Alentejo and the Leonese Alta Extremadura in the 13th to 16th centuries. The aim is to identify the role of these towns in the articulation of a border territory and in the relation with more distant spaces, exploring t...

Research Collaboration Agreement following the iTesla Project

The Itesla_IPST project, aimed to evaluate the quality of the uncertainty models that have been developed/used by the French transmission system operator, RTE, in order to assess the in real-time security of its electrical system. In this project, the Centre for Power and Energy Systems (CPES), in c...

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