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Active managed Buildings with Energy performaNce Contracting

The AmBIENCe project aims at extending the concept of Energy Performance Contracting to Active Buildings and making it available and attractive to a wider range of buildings. AmBIENCe will provide new concepts and business models for performance guarantees of Active Buildings, combining savings from energy efficiency measures with additional savings and earnings resulting from the active control of assets leveraging for instance price based incentive contracts (Implicit Demand Response). The willingness to invest in additional sensorisation, ICT an IoT will be increased by offering adjacent other-than-energy services, e.g. related to comfort, security or maintenance. Within the course of AmBIENCe, we will leverage the experience of the project’s business and research partners, and extend this through regional workshops where we will bring together various stakeholders to make an assessment of best practices and learnings. Based on this, an integrated modular concept will be proposed, and a proof-of-concept platform will be developed to support the creation of Active Building Performance Contracts.



  • Acronym

  • Start

    01st June 2019
  • Global Budget

    1.999.875,00 €
  • State

  • Effective End

    31st May 2022
  • End

    31st May 2022
  • Responsible

    Tiago André Soares
  • Financing

    233.125,00 €

    Associated Centres



    Power and Energy Systems