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Adaptive, Intelligent and Distributed Assurance Platform

RAID is Wedo's flagship end-to-end real-time data management platform handling the entire risk management lifecycle of enterprises. RAID provides a highly flexible and robust processing pipeline consisting of data collection, monitoring, notification, discovery and actuation phases. Wedo's platform is currently applied around the world to handle, among others, revenue assurance, business assurance and fraud management. The current and anticipated market demand poses two major challenges to the existing RAID: i) the need to scale-out to unprecedented levels and ii) provide privacy and confidentiality guarantees when handling most of the input data sources, exacerbated when these stem from different owners or administrative domains. Meeting these new requirements poses complex scientific and technological challenges, including in topics that until now did not represent major issues such as cybersecurity, but also open market opportunities through the exploration of emergent federated machine learning techniques that will reinforce the analytic capabilities of the platform. The overarching goal of the AIDA project is to conceive a new version of the current Wedo platform in which some of the pipeline phases can be dynamically moved to the edges of the system. As of today, the platform is fully deployed in physically colocated servers, either on premises or in the cloud. While some phases are likely to always be kept under the platform's service owner, with AIDA data collection and monitoring, and even actuation phases should be prepared to run in diverse hardware architectures outside the platform's owner physical or even administrative control. AIDA should provide for highly configurable data collection and monitoring while preserving the current real-time, security and dependability guarantees. A complete prototype of AIDA will be deployed and demoed by the end of the project in a realistic scenario in the area of telecommunication services. Project Datasheet



  • Acronym

  • Start

    12th May 2020
  • Global Budget

    1.183.005,00 €
  • State

  • Effective End

    30th June 2023
  • End

    30th June 2023
  • Responsible

    Ricardo Pereira Vilaça
  • Financing

    414.109,00 €