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Researcher at INESC TEC since 2022, where he has been collaborating in the Centre for Enterprise Systems Engineering (CESE), in the area of Architecture and Development of Enterprise Support Systems. He has been a Assistant Teacher at the School of Technology and Management (ESTG) of the Polytechnic Institute of Porto (IPP) since 2022, where he teaches Software Engineering classes, covering topics essential to Software Architecture and Quality and Software Development Management.

He has worked in other consultancy companies in the area of Information Systems applied to Industry, participating in various projects aimed at the digital transition and training of companies in the area.

Master's degree in Computer Engineering from the School of Technology and Management at the Polytechnic Institute of Porto, where he developed his dissertation entitled "Analysing Supplier and Subcontractor Data to Support Decision-Making in Production Planning: The Case of the Footwear Cluster". His dissertation resulted in a contribution to the CNI4.0 Foot project, with the implementation of two Machine Learning algorithms, one for classifying suppliers and the other for predicting raw material delivery dates. These two algorithms are integrated into the ERP of an INESC TEC partner company.

Graduated in Computer Engineering from the School of Technology and Management at the Polytechnic Institute of Porto.



  • Name

    Ricardo Ferreira
  • Role

  • Since

    09th May 2022


Experiments on Gamification with Virtual and Augmented Reality for Practical Application Learning

Silva, F; Ferreira, R; Castro, A; Pinto, P; Ramos, J;


Gamification is a topic which aims to apply game elements to real world tasks, that results in a pleasant influence over a user behaviour towards an objective. Learning is one of the fields where gamification has been implemented and experimented to motivate students and improve their learning process. The first iterations account for the use of game elements such as points, levels and badges or achievements based on task completion according to rules set before. The learning tasks in this approach are not necessarily changed or take advantage of new forms of interactions and guidance. In this article we introduce the application of virtual reality, augmented reality, and machine learning as tools to improve upon the standard application of gamification, making the experience more immersive to the user. We hope to advance gamification to account for more elements, such as digital twins and digital aids in a learning application. In this article we detail possible scenarios for the application of virtual reality and augmented reality combined with machine learning in serious games and learning scenarios.


Data-Driven Production Planning Approach Based on Suppliers and Subcontractors Analysis: The Case of the Footwear Cluster

Ferreira, R; Sousa, C; Carneiro, D; Cardeiro, C;

CENTERIS 2022 - International Conference on ENTERprise Information Systems / ProjMAN - International Conference on Project MANagement / HCist - International Conference on Health and Social Care Information Systems and Technologies 2022, Hybrid Event / Lisbon, Portugal, November 9-11, 2022.
