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Research Opportunity
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Research Opportunity

Robótica móvel


Work description

Today, much of the world's trade is carried out with cargo packed in transport containers. Several distribution companies, among others, regularly receive containers of this type, with products that come from the production centres. Since there are still no automated solutions for this purpose, these containers have to be unloaded manually, which is a very difficult and physically demanding task for several reasons: the need to handle heavy loads, uncomfortable working positions to reach the boxes that are in the upper or lower layers of the container, repeatability of these movements, extreme temperatures inside the container (very high in summer and very low in winter). For these reasons, these companies have great difficulty in recruiting manpower for these tasks, and there is also a high turnover of staff. Therefore, the idea of this work involves investigating possible solutions to this problem and developing a mobile handling system capable of picking boxes that come inside containers, and placing them, for example, on a conveyor belt system capable of bring these boxes to the outside of the container. In this context, it will be necessary to define the best locomotion and traction system for the mobile base, which characteristics for the manipulator and gripper to use, and how to integrate the mobile base with the manipulator and gripper, in terms of movement planning and trajectory control.

Academic Qualifications

Master's Degree in Electrical and Computer Engineering, Computer Engineering, or related areas.

Minimum profile required

Experience in C/C++ programming;Experience in ROS framework (Robot Operating System);Previous experience working with robotic manipulators.

Preference factors

Experience working with the Python programming language; Previous experience in robotics research projects; Participation in extra-curricular activities related to robotics is valued.

Application Period

Since 17 Jul 2023 to 28 Jul 2023



Robotics in Industry and Intelligent Systems

Scientific Advisor

Manuel Santos Silva