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Found 19 results

Multi-layer Connected Factories with hybrid conventional and digital components

Partners are relying on their knowledge gained from ConFacts 1st phase, where they apply a holistic approach to integrate digital and conventional manufacturing components with shop-floor level integration enabling geographically distributed connectivity. To reach a new level of teaching and learnin...

Weather extremes in the euro atlantic region: assessment and impacts

Weather extremes have recently gained great importance to the general public and policy makers, partly as a consequence of the large number of weather driven hazardous events occurring worldwide [1] in the last decade, namely in Europe that has been struck by record breaking extreme events with unpr...

Estudo e conceção de modelo organizacional e operacional de uma nova unidade industrial para produção de calçado

The main objectives of the project are to help identify: which production technologies are most suitable; the best location of the different resources to be considered in the production system; the best practices to implement in the management of operations; and which business support information sy...

Proposta de prestação de serviços de consultoria à Brasão de la Espada

This project focuses on the definition of "solutions in the field" which will increase the level of global efficiency and effectiveness taking into account the best practices that can be explored in the context of the business and operating model of the company (basically a model that follows the MT...

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