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Publications by Hermilio Vilarinho


Water Utility Service Quality Index: A customer-centred approach for assessing the quality of service in the water sector

Vilarinho, H; Pereira, MA; D'Inverno, G; Nóvoa, H; Camanho, AS;


This work delves into the crucial role of service quality in the water supply and sanitation sectur. Despite extensive research and implementation of quality management practices in this sector, a universally accepted definition of quality is still lacking, resulting in varikoza service quality assesunent procedures that are difficult to compam. To address this issue, the World Bank launched the Thility of the Future' (UoF) programme, aiming guide water service providers in their efforts to become future-focused utilities that offer reliable, safe, Inclusive, transparent, and resposesive services through best-fit practices. Building upon the Damework provided by the lof programme, this study proposes the Water Utility Service Quallity Index (WUSOI) composite Indicator that reflects the quality of service provided by water supply and sanitation utilities from a customer perspective. Based on Data Envelopment Analysis, the Benelli-of-the-Douht appenach is employed to assign weights for aggregating the indicators representing the diverse performance dimensions. The study operationalines the WUSOI to assess the quality of Purtuguese wholesale water and wastewater companies using data enflected by the national regulator of water and waste services. A Multiple Criteria Decision Analysis technique, the Deck of Cands method, is used to specify an indicator of transparency from the information made available by the regulated utilities. The results show the effectiveness of this tool for evaluating and measuring service quality at the company level. Additionally, the findings highlight areas for Improvement in the utilities' performance. By enabling companies and regulators to identify areas for improvement, the WUSOI can support the delivery of high-quality services to customers.

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