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Publications by LIAAD


Estimating the Likelihood of Financial Behaviours Using Nearest Neighbors A case study on market sensitivities

Mendes Neves, T; Seca, D; Sousa, R; Ribeiro, C; Mendes Moreira, J;


As many automated algorithms find their way into the IT systems of the banking sector, having a way to validate and interpret the results from these algorithms can lead to a substantial reduction in the risks associated with automation. Usually, validating these pricing mechanisms requires human resources to manually analyze and validate large quantities of data. There is a lack of effective methods that analyze the time series and understand if what is currently happening is plausible based on previous data, without information about the variables used to calculate the price of the asset. This paper describes an implementation of a process that allows us to validate many data points automatically. We explore the K-Nearest Neighbors algorithm to find coincident patterns in financial time series, allowing us to detect anomalies, outliers, and data points that do not follow normal behavior. This system allows quicker detection of defective calculations that would otherwise result in the incorrect pricing of financial assets. Furthermore, our method does not require knowledge about the variables used to calculate the time series being analyzed. Our proposal uses pattern matching and can validate more than 58% of instances, substantially improving human risk analysts' efficiency. The proposal is completely transparent, allowing analysts to understand how the algorithm made its decision, increasing the trustworthiness of the method.


Optimal gas subset selection for dissolved gas analysis in power transformers

Pinto, J; Esteves, V; Tavares, S; Sousa, R;


The power transformer is one of the key components of any electrical grid, and, as such, modern day industrialization activities require constant usage of the asset. This increases the possibility of failures and can potentially diminish the lifespan of a power transformer. Dissolved gas analysis (DGA) is a technique developed to quantify the existence of hydrocarbon gases in the content of the power transformer oil, which in turn can indicate the presence of faults. Since this process requires different chemical analysis for each type of gas, the overall cost of the operation increases with number of gases. Thus said, a machine learning methodology was defined to meet two simultaneous objectives, identify gas subsets, and predict the remaining gases, thus restoring them. Two subsets of equal or smaller size to those used by traditional methods (Duval's triangle, Roger's ratio, IEC table) were identified, while showing potentially superior performance. The models restored the discarded gases, and the restored set was compared with the original set in a variety of validation tasks.


Pre-trained language models: What do they know?

Guimaraes, N; Campos, R; Jorge, A;


Large language models (LLMs) have substantially pushed artificial intelligence (AI) research and applications in the last few years. They are currently able to achieve high effectiveness in different natural language processing (NLP) tasks, such as machine translation, named entity recognition, text classification, question answering, or text summarization. Recently, significant attention has been drawn to OpenAI's GPT models' capabilities and extremely accessible interface. LLMs are nowadays routinely used and studied for downstream tasks and specific applications with great success, pushing forward the state of the art in almost all of them. However, they also exhibit impressive inference capabilities when used off the shelf without further training. In this paper, we aim to study the behavior of pre-trained language models (PLMs) in some inference tasks they were not initially trained for. Therefore, we focus our attention on very recent research works related to the inference capabilities of PLMs in some selected tasks such as factual probing and common-sense reasoning. We highlight relevant achievements made by these models, as well as some of their current limitations that open opportunities for further research.This article is categorized under:Fundamental Concepts of Data and Knowledge > Key Design Issues in DataMiningTechnologies > Artificial Intelligence


<i>Physio</i>: An LLM-Based Physiotherapy Advisor

Almeida, R; Sousa, H; Cunha, LF; Guimaraes, N; Campos, R; Jorge, A;


The capabilities of the most recent language models have increased the interest in integrating them into real-world applications. However, the fact that these models generate plausible, yet incorrect text poses a constraint when considering their use in several domains. Healthcare is a prime example of a domain where text-generative trustworthiness is a hard requirement to safeguard patient well-being. In this paper, we present Physio, a chat-based application for physical rehabilitation. Physio is capable of making an initial diagnosis while citing reliable health sources to support the information provided. Furthermore, drawing upon external knowledge databases, Physio can recommend rehabilitation exercises and over-the-counter medication for symptom relief. By combining these features, Physio can leverage the power of generative models for language processing while also conditioning its response on dependable and verifiable sources. A live demo of Physio is available at


The 7th International Workshop on Narrative Extraction from Texts: Text2Story 2024

Campos, R; Jorge, A; Jatowt, A; Bhatia, S; Litvak, M;


The Text2Story Workshop series, dedicated to Narrative Extraction from Texts, has been running successfully since 2018. Over the past six years, significant progress, largely propelled by Transformers and Large Language Models, has advanced our understanding of natural language text. Nevertheless, the representation, analysis, generation, and comprehensive identification of the different elements that compose a narrative structure remains a challenging objective. In its seventh edition, the workshop strives to consolidate a common platform and a multidisciplinary community for discussing and addressing various issues related to narrative extraction tasks. In particular, we aim to bring to the forefront the challenges involved in understanding narrative structures and integrating their representation into established frameworks, as well as in modern architectures (e.g., transformers) and AI-powered language models (e.g., chatGPT) which are now common and form the backbone of almost every IR and NLP application. Text2Story encompasses sessions covering full research papers, work-in-progress, demos, resources, position and dissemination papers, along with keynote talks. Moreover, there is dedicated space for informal discussions on methods, challenges, and the future of research in this dynamic field.


Pre-trained language models: What do they know?

Guimarães, N; Campos, R; Jorge, A;

WIREs Data. Mining. Knowl. Discov.


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