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Publications by Héber Miguel Sobreira


Robust and Accurate Localization System for Mobile Manipulators in Cluttered Environments

Costa, CM; Sobreira, HM; Sousa, AJ; Veiga, GM;


Autonomous robots play a pivotal role in improving productivity and reducing operational costs. They excel at both precision and speed in repetitive jobs and can cooperate with humans in complex tasks within dynamic environments. Self-localization is critical to any robot that must navigate or manipulate the environment. To solve this problem, a modular localization system suitable for mobile manipulators was developed. By using LIDAR data the proposed system is capable of achieving less than a centimeter in translation error and less than a degree in rotation error while requiring only 5 to 25 milliseconds of processing time. The system was tested in two different robot platforms at different velocities and in several cluttered and dynamic environments. It demonstrated high accuracy while performing pose tracking and high reliability when estimating the initial pose using feature matching. No artificial landmarks are required and it is able to adjust its operation rate in order to use very few hardware resources when a mobile robot is not moving.


Autonomous Interactive Object Manipulation and Navigation Capabilities for an Intelligent Wheelchair

Shafii, N; Farias, PCMA; Sousa, I; Sobreira, H; Reis, LP; Moreira, AP;


This paper aims to develop grasping and manipulation capability along with autonomous navigation and localization in a wheelchair-mounted robotic arm to serve patients. Since the human daily environment is dynamically varied, it is not possible to enable the robot to know all the objects that would be grasped. We present an approach to enable the robot to detect, grasp and manipulate unknown objects. We propose an approach to construct the local reference frame that can estimate the object pose for detecting the grasp pose of an object. The main objective of this paper is to present the grasping and manipulation approach along with a navigating and localization method that can be performed in the human daily environment. A grid map and a match algorithm is used to enable the wheelchair to localize itself using a low-power computer. The experimental results show that the robot can manipulate multiple objects and can localize itself with great accuracy.


Approach for Supervising Self-localization Processes in Mobile Robots

Farias, PCMA; Sousa, I; Sobreira, H; Moreira, AP;


In this paper it will be presented a proposal of a supervisory approach to be applied to the global localization algorithms in mobile robots. One of the objectives of this work is the increase of the robustness in the estimation of the robot's pose, favoring the anticipated detection of the loss of spatial reference and avoiding faults like tracking derail. The proposed supervisory system is also intended to increase accuracy in localization and is based on two of the most commonly used global feature based localization algorithms for pose tracking in robotics: Augmented Monte Carlo Localization (AMCL) and Perfect Match (PM). The experimental platform was a robotic wheelchair and the navigation used the sensory data from encoders and laser rangers. The software was developed using the ROS framework. The results showed the validity of the proposal, since the supervisor was able to coordinate the action of the AMCL and PM algorithms, benefiting the robot's localization system with the advantages of each one of the methods.


Self-localisation of indoor mobile robots using multi-hypotheses and a matching algorithm

Pinto, M; Sobreira, H; Paulo Moreira, AP; Mendonca, H; Matos, A;


This paper proposes a new, fast and computationally light weight methodology to pinpoint a robot in a structured scenario. The localisation algorithm performs a tracking routine to pinpoint the robot's pose as it moves in a known map, without the need for preparing the environment, with artificial landmarks or beacons. To perform such tracking routine, it is necessary to know the initial position of the vehicle. This paper describes the tracking routine and presents a solution to pinpoint that initial position in an autonomous way, using a multi-hypotheses strategy. This paper presents experimental results on the performance of the proposed method applied in two different scenarios: (1) in the Middle Size Soccer Robotic League (MSL), using artificial vision data from an omnidirectional robot and (2) in indoor environments using 3D data from a tilting Laser Range Finder of a differential drive robot (called RobVigil). This paper presents results comparing the proposed methodology and an Industrial Positioning System (the Sick NAV350), commonly used to locate Autonomous Guided Vehicles (AGVs) with a high degree of accuracy in industrial environments.


Towards a Reliable Monitoring Robot for Mountain Vineyards

dos Santos, FN; Sobreira, H; Campos, D; Morais, R; Moreira, AP; Contente, O;


Crop monitoring and harvesting by ground robots on mountain vineyards is an intrinsically complex challenge, due to two main reasons: harsh conditions of the terrain and reduced time availability and unstable localization accuracy of the GPS system. In this paper is presented a cost effective robot that can be used on these mountain vineyards for crop monitoring tasks. Also it is explored a natural vineyard feature as the input of a standard 2D simultaneous localization and mapping approach (SLAM) for feature-based map extraction. In order to be possible to evaluate these natural features for mapping and localization purposes, a virtual scenario under ROS/Gazebo has been built and described. A low cost artificial landmark and an hybrid SLAM is proposed to increase the localization accuracy, robustness and redundancy on these mountain vineyards. The obtained results, on the simulation framework, validates the use of a localization system based on natural mountain vineyard features.


Landmark Detection for Docking Tasks

Ferreira, F; Sobreira, HM; Veiga, G; Moreira, AP;

ROBOT 2017: Third Iberian Robotics Conference - Volume 1, Seville, Spain, November 22-24, 2017

For docking manoeuvres, the detection of the objects to dock needs to be precise as the minimum deviation from the objective may lead to the failure of this task. The objective of this article is to test possible ways to detect a landmark using a laser rangefinder for docking manoeuvres. We will test a beacon-based localisation algorithm and an algorithm based on natural landmarks already implemented, however, we will apply modifications to such methods. To verify the possibility of docking using these methods, we will conduct experiments with a real robot. © Springer International Publishing AG 2018.

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