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Portuguese SME have the opportunity to present technological solutions to European Energy Leaders

22nd May 2018

The goal: to present a 10 minute pitch on a technological solution in one of the following areas: electric vehicle charging and fleet management, smart grids technologies and renewable energies before companies such as REN, General Electric, SAP or CyberGrid in order to promote future business partnerships.

The process: to submit a text with a maximum of 500 words explaining in what the technological solution consists. The application shall be through the link until 12 June:

The scope: the European project InteGrid, which has EUR 15M available until 2020 to be used so that three European countries can enhance their smart power grids. In order to do that, the project will set up five smart grids demonstrators - three in Portugal, one in Sweden and one in Slovenia. In this regard, the project joined the activities promoted by the European Commission entitled “Energy Days”. Energy Days are events that take place between May and June and aim to show the importance of sustainable energy to citizens and industry.

The result: the best proposals will be selected based on the following criteria: the priority will be given to startup companies, to proposals that have innovation potential and that are under the European project InteGrid. In the afternoon, the selected companies will present their technological solution on 27 June at EDP headquarters in Lisbon.

The event “From intelligent energy solutions to disruptive business models”will, however, start in the morning. EDP Distribuição is going to present the European project InteGrid around 10 a.m. In the morning, it will also be possible to discuss the new business models for smart grids and the energy distributors (University of Comillas, Spain) in order to make an analysis on energy for smart grids and power management (INESC TEC, Portugal), and to discuss the consumer engagement and the behavioural demand response (KTH, Sweden).

Also in the morning, there will be live demonstrations of tools developed by General Electric, CyberGrid, SAP, INESC TEC and Águas do Tejo Atlântico under the InteGrid project.

Jorge Vasconcelos from NEWES (New Energy Solutions) is the keynote speaker in a session that starts at 2 p.m. Right after that, there will also be a debate by REN, Labelec, the Portuguese Association for the major energy-consuming users and ERSE. The debate will be moderated by EDP Distribuição. The picths from the SMEs will close the session.

The event is free but requires mandatory registration:

More information on the European project InteGrid may be found here: , or

For more information:

Joana Coelho

Communication Service                                                                                                                               


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Porto, 22 May 2018