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I enjoy working in control and automation.

I started my professional life in Engineering Physics, in the development of Software and Firmware, Electrotechnics and Electronics, as a fellow at the Instituto Superior Técnico and at the European Space Agency (ESA) in Noordwijk, Netherlands. There I gained experience in software development, firmware and data analysis.



  • Name

    Tiago Hekkert
  • Role

  • Since

    21st October 2022


ISTTOK real-time architecture

Carvalho, IS; Duarte, P; Fernandes, H; Valcarcel, DF; Carvalho, PJ; Silva, C; Duarte, AS; Neto, A; Sousa, J; Batista, AJN; Hekkert, T; Carvalho, BB;

Fusion Engineering and Design

The ISTTOK tokamak was upgraded with a plasma control system based on the Advanced Telecommunications Computing Architecture (ATCA) standard. This control system was designed to improve the discharge stability and to extend the operational space to the alternate plasma current (AC) discharges as part of the ISTTOK scientific program. In order to accomplish these objectives all ISTTOK diagnostics and actuators relevant for real-time operation were integrated in the control system. The control system was programmed in C++ over the Multi-threaded Application Real-Time executor (MARTe) which provides, among other features, a real-time scheduler, an interrupt handler, an intercommunications interface between code blocks and a clearly bounded interface with the external devices. As a complement to the MARTe framework, the BaseLib2 library provides the foundations for the data, code introspection and also a Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP) server service. Taking advantage of the modular nature of MARTe, the algorithms of each diagnostic data processing, discharge timing, context switch, control and actuators output reference generation, run on well-defined blocks of code named Generic Application Module (GAM). This approach allows reusability of the code, simplified simulation, replacement or editing without changing the remaining GAMs. The ISTTOK control system GAMs run sequentially each 100 µs cycle on an Intel® Q8200 4-core processor running at 2.33 GHz located in the ATCA crate. Two boards (inside the ATCA crate) with 32 analog-to-digital converters (ADCs) were used for acquiring the diagnostics data. Each ADC operates at 2 Msample/s but (for real-time operation) the acquired data is decimated in real-time on the board's Field-programmable gate array (FPGA) to a frequency defined by the control cycle time. This paper presents the ISTTOK real-time architecture and the human-machine Interface (HMI) for simplified AC discharge programming. © 2014 Instituto de Plasmas e Fusão Nuclear.


Real-time control for long ohmic alternate current discharges

Carvalho, IS; Duarte, P; Fernandes, H; Valcarcel, DF; Carvalho, PJ; Silva, C; Duarte, AS; Neto, A; Sousa, J; Batista, AJN; Hekkert, T; Carvalho, BB; Gomes, RB;


The ISTTOK tokamak has a long tradition on alternate plasma current (AC) discharges, but the old control system was limiting and lacked full system integration. In order to improve the AC discharges performance the ISTTOK fast control system was updated. This control system developed on site based on the Advanced Telecommunications Computing Architecture (ATCA) standard now integrates the information gathered by all the tokamak real-time diagnostics to produce an accurate observation of the plasma parameters. The real-time actuators were also integrated, allowing a Multiple Input Multiple Output (MIMO) control environment with several synchronization strategies available. The control system software was developed in C++ on top of a Linux system with the Multi-threaded Application Real-Time executor (MARTe) Framework to synchronize the real-time code execution under a 100 mu s control cycle. In addition, to simplify the discharge programming, a visual Human-Machine Interface (HMI) was also developed using the BaseLib2 libraries included in the MARTe Framework. This paper presents the ISTTOK control system and the optimizations that extended the AC current discharges duration to more than 1 s, corresponding to 40 semi-cycles without apparent degradation of the plasma parameters. This upgrade allows ISTTOK to be used as a low-cost material testing facility with long time exposures to nuclear fusion relevant plasmas, comparable (in duration) with medium size tokamaks.