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Ph.D. in Computer Engineering, master in Biomedical Engineering and graduated in Electrical and Computer Engineering by FEUP (Faculdade de Engenharia da Universidade do Porto). Worked at Infineon Technologies, Mindelo, Portugal, at CERN - Center Europeénne pour la Recherche Nucléaire, Geneva, Switzerland as Informatics Engineer and at ProjectBox, Viseu, Portugal, at the Computer Vision department.

She has been a public college professor since 2008. She is currently an adjunct professor at ESMAD - Escola Superior de Media Artes e Design, Vila do Conde, Portugal. She was a researcher at the LOME - Laboratory of Optics and Experimental Mechanics at FEUP. She currently collaborates with INESC - TEC (Institute of Systems and Computer Engineering - Technology and Science) at the Telecommunications and Multimedia Center, focusing on the areas of image processing and computer vision research. Has several articles published in national and international magazines and a book published in the field of Computer Vision.



  • Name

    Teresa Cristina Terroso
  • Role

    External Research Collaborator
  • Since

    18th June 2014


User Experience Evaluation in a Code Playground (Short Paper)

Queirós, R; Pinto, M; Terroso, T;

Second International Computer Programming Education Conference, ICPEC 2021, May 27-28, 2021, University of Minho, Braga, Portugal.

Learning computer programming is a complex activity and requires a lot of practice. The viral pandemic that we are facing has intensified these difficulties. In this context, programming learning platforms play a crucial role. Most of them are characterized by providing a wide range of exercises with progressive complexity, multi-language support, sophisticated interfaces and automatic evaluation and gamification services. Nevertheless, despite the various features provided, others features, which influence user experience, are not emphasized, such as performance and usability. This article presents an user experience evaluation of the LearnJS playground, a JavaScript learning platform which aims to foster the practice of coding. The evaluation highlights two facets of the code playground: performance and a usability. In the former, lab and field data were collected based on Google Lighthouse and PageSpeed Insights reports. In the later, an inquiry was distributed among students from a Web Technologies course with a set of questions based on flexibility, usability and consistency heuristics. Both evaluation studies have a twofold goal: to improve the learning environment in order to be officially used in the next school year and to foster the awareness of user experience in all phases of the software development life-cycle as a key facet in Web applications engagement and loyalty. © Ricardo Queirós, Mário Pinto, and Teresa Terroso; licensed under Creative Commons License CC-BY 4.0 Second International Computer Programming Education Conference (ICPEC 2021).


Computer Programming Education in Portuguese Universities

Queirós, R; Pinto, M; Terroso, T;

First International Computer Programming Education Conference, ICPEC 2020, June 25-26, 2020, ESMAD, Vila do Conde, Portugal (Virtual Conference).

Computer programming plays a relevant role in the digital age as a key competency for project leverage and a driver of innovation for today's modern societies. Despite its importance, this domain is also well known for their higher learning failure rates. In this context, the study of how computer programming is taught is fundamental to clarify the teaching-learning process and to ensure the sharing of the best practices. This paper presents a survey on computer programming teaching in the first-year courses of Portuguese Universities, more precisely, what is taught and how it is taught. The study focuses essentially on the following facets: The class characterization, the methodologies used and the languages/technologies taught. Based on these criteria, a survey was done which gathers information of 59 courses included in a wide range of Universities spread across Portugal. The results were collected and analyzed. Based on this analysis a set of conclusions were taken revealing some interesting results on the teaching methods and languages used which can be useful to support a discussion on this subject and, consequently, to find new paths to shape the future of programming teaching. 2012 ACM Subject Classification Social and professional topics ! Computer science education.


Stereo vision system for human motion analysis in a rehabilitation context

Matos, AC; Terroso, TA; Corte Real, L; Carvalho, P;


The present demographic trends point to an increase in aged population and chronic diseases which symptoms can be alleviated through rehabilitation. The applicability of passive 3D reconstruction for motion tracking in a rehabilitation context was explored using a stereo camera. The camera was used to acquire depth and color information from which the 3D position of predefined joints was recovered based on: kinematic relationships, anthropometrically feasible lengths and temporal consistency. Finally, a set of quantitative measures were extracted to evaluate the performed rehabilitation exercises. Validation study using data provided by a marker based as ground-truth revealed that our proposal achieved errors within the range of state-of-the-art active markerless systems and visual evaluations done by physical therapists. The obtained results are promising and demonstrate that the developed methodology allows the analysis of human motion for a rehabilitation purpose.


Video Based Group Tracking and Management

Pereira, A; Familiar, A; Moreira, B; Terroso, T; Carvalho, P; Corte Real, L;


Tracking objects in video is a very challenging research topic, particularly when people in groups are tracked, with partial and full occlusions and group dynamics being common difficulties. Hence, its necessary to deal with group tracking, formation and separation, while assuring the overall consistency of the individuals. This paper proposes enhancements to a group management and tracking algorithm that receives information of the persons in the scene, detects the existing groups and keeps track of the persons that belong to it. Since input information for group management algorithms is typically provided by a tracking algorithm and it is affected by noise, mechanisms for handling such noisy input tracking information were also successfully included. Performed experiments demonstrated that the described algorithm outperformed state-of-the-art approaches.


Three-dimensional reconstruction and characterization of human external shapes from two-dimensional images using volumetric methods

Azevedo, TCS; Tavares, JMRS; Vaz, MAP;


This work presents a volumetric approach to reconstruct and characterise 3D models of external anatomical structures from 2D images. Volumetric methods represent the final volume using a finite set of 3D geometric primitives, usually designed as voxels. Thus, from an image sequence acquired around the object to reconstruct, the images are calibrated and the 3D models of the referred object are built using different approaches of volumetric methods. The final goal is to analyse the accuracy of the obtained models when modifying some of the parameters of the considered volumetric methods, such as the type of voxel projection (rectangular or accurate), the way the consistency of the voxels is tested (only silhouettes or silhouettes and photo-consistency) and the initial size of the reconstructed volume.