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Research Opportunity
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Research Opportunity

Precision agriculture, plant sensing, physiological diagnostics, and integration of systems biology.


Work description

- Review state of the art, develop benchmarks, and create a proof of concept for advanced precision agriculture models based on integrating spectral data, multi-omics, and systems biology. - Characterize physiological, metabolic, and transcriptional diagnostics of greenhouse/field grapevines in response to abiotic stress to validate field spectral data. - Develop a systems biology approach to characterize the metabolic pathways of the grapevine and infer its phenotype/physiological state. - Develop a platform (digital-twin) capable of incorporating field spectral data and artificial intelligence to support advanced precision viticulture. - Participate in laboratory and field activities (flexible schedule) within the project scope. - Test and validate the designed solutions in a real-world context and publish the results. - The researcher is also expected to participate in the following activities: co/supervise PhD and MSc students; develop and write scientific articles (Q1 percentile); actively contribute their developments to competitive project contests in the research line.

Academic Qualifications

PhD in Agrarian Sciences, Bioengineering, Bioinformatics/Systems Biology, Biotechnological Engineering, and related fields.

Minimum profile required

-Precision and digital agriculture-SB: genome scale models, graph analysis, flux balance analysis-Computers: R(Bioconductor) (and/or Matlab Comp. Biology e/or Python) and Bioinformatics for database searches-Experience with multi-omics integration

Preference factors

Proven experience in plant systems biology and bioinformatics. The jury may not award the scholarship if the quality of the candidates is inferior to that intended.

Application Period

Since 09 Feb 2024 to 22 Feb 2024



Robotics in Industry and Intelligent Systems

Scientific Advisor

Mário Cunha