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Research Opportunity
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Research Opportunity

Industrial Engineering and Management


Work description

Education plays a fundamental role in the development of society, forming the basis for the sustainable development of nations through the development of human capital. However, our society today faces unprecedented challenges at various levels. It is therefore necessary to measure and evaluate the efficiency of education systems, some of them already annually monitored through strategic frameworks such as the European Commission's 2030 strategic framework for education and training. Thus, and given the growing importance of big data, the use of mathematical approaches based on statistical and economic principles is essential to test the impact of policy and regulatory changes in the performance levels of countries over time. Stochastic Frontier Analysis (SFA), together with the Malmquist productivity index, are ideal tools for conducting benchmarking analysis of education systems and exploring convergence in the context of the 2030 strategic framework for education and training. The research to be developed under this grant will focus on the following aspects: (a) Contextualisation of the education landscape in the European Union; (b) Literature review, as complete as possible; (c) Identification of the knowledge gap that the research aims to cover; (d) Collection and processing of data, namely the KPIs relevant to the topic (in line with the scientific literature and the 2030 strategic framework for education and training); (e) Description of the Malmquist productivity index based on the SFA; (f) Analysis of the results; and (g) Discussion of the results, addressing potential implications in terms of public policies.

Academic Qualifications

Bachelor Degree in Industrial Engineering and Management.

Minimum profile required

Average mark of 13 in the Bachelor Degree in Industrial Engineering and Management.

Preference factors

Good knowledge of the English language.

Application Period

Since 11 Jan 2023 to 24 Jan 2023



Industrial Engineering and Management

Scientific Advisor

Ana Camanho