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Research Opportunities
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Research Opportunities

Energy Systems


Work description

The EU MAGPIE Project will develop digital solutions for energy management and emissions management in European ports such as Rotterdam and Sines that will be integrated into the so-called digital twin in order to allow the management of the various systems optimally so that it is possible to ensure the decarbonisation of its operation until 2050. State-of-the-art backend and frontend solutions will be developed, anchored in a reference architecture that will support the implementation of semantic models that ensure interoperability between the different digital systems of

Academic Qualifications

Master or bachelor degree in Electrical and Computer Engineering or Computer Science, Informatics, or similar.

Minimum profile required

Advanced knowledge in digital tools and platforms (e.g., docker, kubernetes, etc.)Experience in digital systems integrationAdvanced programming knowledge.

Preference factors

Experience in using software development and production tools Skills in implementing digital twin systems. Fluency in English and Portuguese (written and spoken).

Application Period

Since 04 May 2022 to 05 Jun 2022



Power and Energy Systems

Scientific Advisor

Zenaida Mourão