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Research Opportunity
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Research Opportunity

Electrical Engineering, Computer Science, Software, Data Science


Work description

- Analysis of use cases and definition of the specific goals and requisites(e.g., what data should be used) - Collect data and perform pre-processing (e.g., remove noise, damaged data, ...) - Describe the data from the power transformers sensors(e.g., through statistical descriptors) - Study the underlying physical models(e.g. DGA models) - Create empirical models using Neural Networks or methods that are more suitable. - Combine physical models with empirical models and yield hybrid models. - Create/adapt the hybrid models for incremental operations and data streams. - Adapt these behavior models to possible data-driven services. - This project involves the collaboration of EFACEC, INEGI

Academic Qualifications

Master's or Bachelor degree in Electrical Engineering, Computer Science, Software, Data Science or similar. Preference will be given to candidates with a Master's degree and only candidates with a Bachelor's degree will be hired if no Master's degree apply, or in case they apply, that the latter are not from the intended training area and/or do not have the experience referred to above.

Minimum profile required

Fluency in English (spoken and written)

Preference factors

- Enrollment in a doctoral program in Electrical, Mechanical Engineering, Computer Science or similar; - Experience in participating in research projects; - Experience in Machine Learning, Data Mining and Power Transformers.

Application Period

Since 28 Dec 2022 to 10 Jan 2023



Artificial Intelligence and Decision Support

Scientific Advisor

Ricardo Teixeira Sousa