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SOE'24 - Space, Ocean and Earth Insights

Women in Exploration: Breaking Boundaries 

- Registrations open HERE -


SOE'24 - Space, Ocean, and Earth Insights - is a special session of the GLEX Summit, organised by INESC TEC, that will have its third edition this year, under the theme "Women in Exploration: Breaking Boundaries".

The universe is an infinite expanse of stories waiting to be discovered. Every star and every planet holds a unique story that challenges us to learn and comprehend the endless possibilities of the cosmos. On Earth, we can find stories of resilience and interconnectedness, reminding us of the delicate balance of nature and the urgency of protecting our home for future generations. The ocean is a world of enchantment, bursting with strange and familiar life forms that are crucial to our existence. As we dive into the depths, we discover the wonders of underwater and marine biodiversity, which play a vital role in regulating our climate and sustaining life on Earth.

Women have significantly contributed to science and technology, shaping our understanding of the universe and driving innovation in every field. These brilliant minds, from pioneering astronauts and astrophysicists to marine biologists, engineers, environmentalists, and many more, inspire us to aim for the stars, conquer the unknown, and create a future where science knows no limits. In the SOE'24 edition, women will showcase their work, research, training, and exploration, providing unique insights.

Let us embrace the spirit of discovery and celebrate the wonders of our world. We must empower all voices to continually contribute to humanity's quest for knowledge. It's time to take action, to make a difference, and to benefit our planet and all its inhabitants. With confidence in ourselves and each other, we can create a better future where science and exploration know no bounds.


Register now HERE


More details about GLEX Summit:


















Reference: Nº03/C05-i02/2022




Ana Pires (Researcher | INESC TEC, Centre for Robotics and Autonomous Systems)



INESC TEC: The Institute for Systems and Computer Engineering, Technology and Science (Instituto de Engenharia de Sistemas e Computadores, Tecnologia e Ciência) is a private non-profit research institution, dedicated to scientific research and technological development, technology transfer, advanced consulting and training, and pre-incubation of new technology-based companies. As part of its mission to develop science-based knowledge with societal impact, INESC TEC relies on interdisciplinary research teams organised to address societal challenges or application markets with transnational relevance.

To address the scientific challenges of the institution, INESC TEC’s internal arrangement relies on 13 research centres. One of those centres is named Centre for Robotics and Autonomous Systems (CRAS) and all the scientific work developed by INESC TEC in 6 main areas of research - i) autonomous navigation; (ii) long-term deployments; (iii) sensing, mapping, and intervention; (iv) multiple platform operations; (v) space-earth and space-water interaction and validation using innovative robotic technologies; (vi) exploration of underwater geological resources – is conducted by the INESC TEC researchers associated with this centre. CRAS shows an excellent scientific track record and vast experience in underwater technologies, geo-robotics for complex environments, research projects, advanced technology development for the sea, its operation and technology transfer.

To address the market needs, INESC TEC’s internal arrangement relies on the TEC4, that promote the innovation made by the institution. TEC4SEA is one of those structures that specifically develops technological solutions to overcome the deep-sea challenges and empower the Sea Economy through sustainable approaches to explore and exploit living and non-living ocean resources. By ensuring an advanced platform for tests, research development, and interdisciplinary collaboration around sea-related topics through its TEC4Sea, INESC TEC has turned into a key stakeholder in designing and implementing national strategic infrastructures roadmaps for the Sea Economy.

In 2021, INESC TEC was the driving force to sign a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with the International Institute of Astronautical Sciences (IIAS) to establish a partnership covering six areas of intervention: science, technology, engineering, mathematics, education, and space research. The Portuguese partner entities include the Portuguese Space Agency (Portugal Space), the Porto School of Engineering (ISEP) and the Faculty of Sciences of the University of Porto (FCUP). This partnership aims to promote equitable and inclusive access to innovative opportunities for collaboration and research. This Memorandum of Understanding is the first agreement signed under Space For All Nations, an initiative by IIAS, where Ana Pires (SOE'23 Scientific Coordinator) is Co-Chair. Space For All Nations enables emerging nations and communities in the space sector to participate and contribute significantly to new solutions and innovations to preserve the planet.






  • Start

    18th June 2024
  • City

    Angra do Heroísmo, Terceira Island
  • Country

  • End

    18th June 2024
  • Local

    Centro Cultural e de Congressos de Angra do Heroísmo