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Research Opportunities
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Research Opportunities

Information Science


Work description

- Analyze selected Digitarq records, selecting entities with interest for expansion; - Explore information repositories in the form of linked data, for the same entities; - Systematize the ontologies adopted to support the external repositories; - Align external ontologies with those of EPISA's ArchOnto model; - Develop a collection of use cases based on the most promising entities; - Write a technical report.

Academic Qualifications


Minimum profile required

- basic understanding of Portuguese (oral)

Preference factors

- Familiarity with ontology models for cultural heritage; - Knowledge of current standards for archives (ISAD/ISAAR); - Knowledge of description models for the Web, namely

Application Period

Since 01 Aug 2022 to 12 Aug 2022



Human-Centered Computing and Information Science

Scientific Advisor

Cristina Ribeiro