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Research Opportunity
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Research Opportunity



Work description

- Identify and implement state-of-the-art deep neural networks for video classification - Identify and implement state-of-the-art deep neural networks for symbolic music (MIDI) generation - Identify and implement approaches for fusing the video and MIDI models towards creating a video-based symbolic music generation prototype - Collaborate in the creation of datasets - Cooperate in writing scientific publications. - Write the final activity report

Academic Qualifications

Master in Electric and Computer Engineering, Informatics Engineering, Computer Sciences or similar

Minimum profile required

- Programming experience (Python)

Preference factors

Knowledge in deep learning and its libraries (especially Pytorch); Familiarity with multimedia signals; Good spoken and written English skills

Application Period

Since 28 Sep 2023 to 13 Oct 2023



Telecommunications and Multimedia

Scientific Advisor

Serkan Sulun