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INESC TEC Project has €300K to support SMEs in the agro-technology sector

The DEMETER project, in which INESC TEC participates through its Centre for Robotics in Industry and Intelligent Systems (CRIIS) provides €300K to support the integration and interoperability of innovative technology solutions on farms across Europe. The first open call “Develop” aims to engage start-ups and SMEs in the development of products for implementation in the agricultural sector.

01st October 2020

SMEs and start-ups with legal headquarters in any EU Member State, H2020 associated countries and Overseas Countries and Territories can apply to this call. The submitted proposals must address one of the five themes: soil workability and humidity monitoring; interoperable geo tagged photo app; ISOBUS enabler; blockchain-based solutions for agricultural applications and DEMETER Business process integration.

Between eight and 12 proposals will be selected, and each one will get up to €30K. Each project will benefit from support by industry experts, as well as access to existing pilot sites and the DEMETER reference architecture, in order to develop applications.

In this sense, the selected entities will have the opportunity to reformulate SME technology, in order to integrate and make it interoperable with the DEMETER platform.

The applying entities can submit their proposal on the website

More information available on

The open call “Develop”, within the scope of the European project DEMETER, is open until November 18.

About the project

The DEMETER (Building an Interoperable, Data-Driven, Innovative and Sustainable European Agri-Food Sector) focuses on the large-scale implementation of interoperable platforms based on IoT (Internet of Things), which are quite important to the agricultural sector. The project comprehends 20 pilots, promoted in 18 countries.

INESC TEC is the leading entity in Portugal, in charge of managing the IoT pilot applied to tree crops – in partnership with INIAV, Ubiwhere, Cooperativa de Amarante and FENADEGAS. This pilot-project comprehends four test fields – two vineyards, one olive grove and one of apple plantation. These entities will collect data to validate irrigation, fertilisation and disease treatment support system, while Ubiwhere will be responsible for the development of a free access cloud platform for small and medium-sized farmers.

The DEMETER project received close to €15M through the EU Research and Innovation programme H2020, under the agreement number 857202.

More information on the website