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About 1613 results

EDP’s consortium prepares for “revolution” in electrical networks

Thinking about the Iberian market, EDP Inovação, EFACEC, INESC Porto, Janz and Edinfor take important steps in order to create more business opportunities.

Collaborative Laboratory for the Integrated Forest and Fire Management is currently hiring

The ForestWISE Collaborative Laboratory (CoLAB), focused on research, innovation and knowledge development, and technology transfer activities expected to promote the sustainable forest management and the competitiveness of the forestry sector, while reducing the negative consequences of...

InovGrid takes intelligent meters to 50 thousand users

InovGrid, a pilot project that gathers EDP, INESC Porto, Efacec, Janz and Logica, will start in October. The project entails the development of new electricity meters and, in its first stage, it should comprehend 50 thousand clients spread around the country.

INESC Porto presents innovative project

The Portuguese footwear industries Kyaia and Aerosoles are currently introducing technological innovations in their manufacturing processes that will enable them to improve competitiveness. These innovations have been developed in the context of a European project that involved 63 partners.

Portugal participates in European project to improve surveillance of maritime borders

INESC TEC and the Naval Research Centre of the Portuguese Navy are two of 18 partners of a European project where the goal is to improve the efficiency of maritime border surveillance.

The digitalisation of the European power system starts with EUR 36 million and 51 entities

InterConnect – is the name of the European project that has just started and which brings together 51 European entities that will develop and test advanced solutions for the digitalisation of the power system. There will be EUR 36 million available for this project, which is the big...

Portugal leads EUR 36M European project for the digitalisation of the power system

InterConnect, the project under Portuguese leadership, has just been approved by the European Commission, under the Horizon 2020 programme, to develop and demonstrate advanced solutions for the digitalisation of the electricity sector.

Educational project with Portuguese participation presented this week at the European Parliament

Researchers from the Institute for Systems and Computer Engineering, Technology and Science (INESC TEC) will be today and tomorrow in Brussels, between 20 and 21 November, at the headquarters of the European Parliament in the presentation session of the European project related to the edu...

INESC TEC will predict the aesthetic outcomes of breast cancer surgery

Leading academic and clinical centers from INESC (PT), LUMC (NL), UCL (UK), and KCL (UK) and Philips are joining forces to develop tools to help women understand how different breast cancer therapy options may affect how they look.

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