A low-cost technology that integrates image-based Artificial Intelligence (AI) to detect insects and identify potential threats to their existence. MOXOH was developed by INESC TEC and presented at a working meeting of InsectAI COST, an action promoted by the European COST programme that aims to accelerate the development of image-based and AI-assisted solutions to support the monitoring and preservation of insects.
12th July 2024
RoboticsIn two months, four events and several quilometres travelled by INESC TEC researchers, with different robots developed by the institution. The goal? To show both industry and students the latest innovations in research carried out by INESC TEC in the field of robotics.
22nd April 2024
Robotics“We have some of the best robots in the world” is not an advertising; it’s an international recognition granted to INESC TEC. The institution participated in FIRA – World Agricultural Robotics Forum, the main international event for agricultural robotics and autonomous solutions and reached second place in the “Best World FIRA Robot” category with the Modular-E robot. In addition, our researchers also won second place in the “Hackathon GDRA” competition, with a prize of €2.5K – after completing the challenge of developing algorithms to circumvent obstacles.
15th April 2024
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