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João A. Peças Lopes é Doutorado em Engenharia Eletrotécnica e de Computadores pela FEUP, sendo Professor Catedrático desta Faculdade, onde leciona na graduação e pós graduação em Engenharia Eletrotécnica e de Computadores.

Foi durante 7 anos Director do Programa Doutoral de Sistemas Sustentáveis de Energia e Diretor do Curso de Estudos Avançados em Sistemas Sustentáveis de Energia na FEUP.

É membro do Conselho de Administração do INESC TEC.

É Vice-Presidente da Associação Portuguesa do Veículo Elétrico (APVE).

O Prof. Peças Lopes foi responsável pela participação do INESC TEC em vários projetos financiados pela União Europeia, nomeadamente os seguintes projetos - MICROGRIDS - Large Scale Integration of Micro Generation to Low Voltage Grids e MORE_MICROGRIDS -  Advanced Architectures and Control Concepts for More Microgrids and MERGE - Mobile Energy Resources for Grids of Electricity.

Liderou vários projetos de consultoria associados com a análise de impacto resultante da ligação de grandes volumes de produção eólica na Madeira, Açores, Sal, S. Vicente e S. Tiago, na Republica de Cabo Verde. Foi responsável por vário projetos de consultoria relacionados o impacto nas redes elétricas de Portugal continentes de parques eólicos de grandes dimensões.

Foi responsável pela definição dos requisitos técnicas para ligação de parques eólicos no Brasil, trabalhando como consultor do ONS. Coordenou estudos de consultoria para o Regulador Hungaro relativos à identificação do volume de produção eólica acomodável na rede elétrica local.Coordenou a participação do INESC TEC no projeto InovGrid.

Foi o Presidente do Júri do Concurso Internacional, lançado pelo Governo Português em 2005,  para Atribuição de Pontos de Ligação para Produção Eólica na Rede Elétrica de Portugal, tendo decido pela atribuição de licenças de cerca de 1800 MW.

Foi Membro do Executive Board do Consórcio Europeu EES/UETP e Presidente do Comité de Programa desta Associação de formação avançada.

Foi avaliador da Comissão Europieia e de Organizações de Ciência e Tecnologia em Portugal, França, Italia, Grécia, Finlandia, Dinamarca e Irlanda.

Foi durante mais de 4 anos coordenador da Unidade de Sistemas de Energia do INESC TEC.

É co-editor do Journal SEGAN - Sustainable Energy Grids and Networks.

Os seus principais domínios de interesse estão relacionados com Integração em Larga Escala de Fontes de Energia Renovável em Redes Elétricas (nomeadamente produção eólica), Análise do Comportamento Dinâmico, Microredes, SmartMetering, SmartGrids e Integração de Veículos Elétricos em Redes Elétricas.

Em 2012 recebeu o CIGRE Technical Committee Award a título de reconhecimento pelo sua contribuição excecional no Study Committee C6 – Distribution Systems and Dispersed Generation.

Prof. Peças Lopes é Fellow do IEEE
É membro do Power Systems Dynamic Performance Committee do IEEE PES.



  • Nome

    João Peças Lopes
  • Cargo

    Diretor Associado
  • Desde

    01 março 1989


A Novel Three-Phase Multiobjective Unified Power Quality Conditioner

Monteiro, V; Moreira, C; Lopes, JAP; Antunes, CH; Osório, GJ; Cataláo, JPS; Afonso, JL;


The decarbonization of the economy and the increasing integration of renewable energy sources into the generation mix are bringing new challenges, requiring novel technological solutions in the topic of smart grids, which include smart transformers and energy storage systems. Additionally, power quality is a vital concern for the future smart grids; therefore, the continuous development of power electronics solutions to overcome power quality problems is of the utmost importance. In this context, this article proposes a novel three-phase multiobjective unified power quality conditioner (MO-UPQC), considering interfaces for solar PV panels and for energy storage in batteries. The MO-UPQC is capable of compensating power quality problems in the voltages (at the load side) and in the currents (at the power grid side), while it enables injecting power into the grid (from the PV panels or batteries) or charging the batteries (from the PV panels or from the grid). Experimental results were obtained with a three-phase four-wire laboratory prototype, demonstrating the feasibility and the large range of applications of the proposed MO-UPQC.


Real-time management of distributed multi-energy resources in multi-energy networks

Coelho, A; Iria, J; Soares, F; Lopes, JP;


The replacement of fossil fuel power plants by variable renewable energy sources is reducing the flexibility of the energy system, which puts at risk its security. Exploiting the flexibility of distributed multi-energy resources through aggregators presents a solution for this problem. In this context, this paper presents a new hierarchical model predictive control framework to assist multi-energy aggregators in the network-secure delivery of multi-energy services traded in electricity, natural gas, green hydrogen, and carbon markets. This work builds upon and complements a previous work from the same authors related to bidding strategies for day-ahead markets - it closes the cycle of aggregators' participation in multi-energy markets, i.e., day-ahead bidding and real-time activation of flexibility services. This new model predictive control framework uses the alternating direction method of multipliers on a rolling horizon to negotiate the network-secure delivery of multi-energy services between aggregators and distribution system operators of electricity, gas, and heat networks. We used the new model predictive control framework to conduct two studies. In the first study, we found that considering multi-energy network constraints at both day-ahead and real-time optimization stages produces the most cost-effective and reliable solution to aggregators, outperforming state-of-the-art approaches in terms of cost and network security. In the second study, we found that the adoption of a green hydrogen policy by multi-energy aggregators can reduce their consumption of natural gas and respective CO2 emissions significantly if carbon and green hydrogen prices are competitive.& COPY; 2023 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


Improving Dynamic Security in Islanded Power Systems: Quantification of Minimum Synchronous Inertia Considering Fault-Induced Frequency Deviations

Gouveia, J; Moreira, CL; Lopes, JAP;


In isolated power systems with very high instantaneous shares of renewables, additional inertia should be used as a complementary resource to battery energy storage systems (BESSs) for improving frequency stability, which can be provided by synchronous condensers (SCs) integrated into the system. Therefore, this paper presents a methodology to infer the system dynamic security, with respect to key frequency indicators, following critical disturbances. Of particular interest is the evidence that multiple short-circuit locations should be considered as reference disturbances regarding the frequency stability in isolated power grids with high shares of renewables. Thus, an artificial neural network (ANN) structure was developed, aiming to predict the network frequency nadir and Rate of Change of Frequency (RoCoF), considering a certain operating scenario and disturbances. For the operating conditions where the system frequency indicators are violated, a methodology is proposed based on a gradient descent technique, which quantifies the minimum amount of additional synchronous inertia (SCs which need to be dispatch) that moves the system towards its dynamic security region, exploiting the trained ANN, and computing the sensitivity of its outputs with respect to the input defining the SC inertia.


TSO-DSO Coordinated Operational Planning in the Presence of Shared Resources

Simoes, M; Madureira, AG; Soares, F; Lopes, JP;


Electric power systems are currently experiencing a profound change, as increasing amounts of Renewable Energy Sources (RESs) displace conventional forms of generation. This development has gone hand-in-hand with an increasing share of distributed power generation being connected directly to the Distribution Network (DN), and the widespread of other types of Distributed Energy Resources (DERs), such as Energy Storage Sytems (ESSs), Electric Vehicles (EVs), and active (flexible) consumers. As these trends are expected to continue, this will require a profound revision of the way Transmission System Operators (TSOs) and Distribution System Operators (DSOs) interact with each other to fully benefit from the growing flexibility that is available at the DN level. In this work we propose a new tool for the coordinated operational planning of transmission and distribution systems, considering the existence of shared resources that can be simultaneously used by TSO and DSOs for the optimal operation of their networks. The tool uses advanced distributed optimization techniques, namely the Alternating Direction Method of Multipliers (ADMM) in order to maintain data privacy of the several agents involved in the optimization problem, and keep the tractability of the problem. The proposed tool is applied to modified IEEE test systems, and the results obtained highlight the benefits of the proposed coordination mechanism to solve problems occurring simultaneously at the transmission and DN-levels.


Evaluation of the economic, technical, and environmental impacts of multi-energy system frameworks in distribution networks

Coelho, A; Soares, F; Iria, J; Lopes, JP;


This paper presents a general comparison between network-secure and network-free optimization frameworks to manage flexible multi-energy resources. Both frameworks were implemented in a test case that includes electricity, gas, and heat distribution networks. Several potential scenarios for the decarbonization of the multi-energy system were simulated. The economic, technical, and environmental impacts were compiled. The network-secure framework is highly recommended to avoid service disruptions due to network violations, but its implementation comes with a price - overall operational costs increase, sometimes substantially.



Spatial Distribution of Grid Forming Converters in Power Systens with High Renewable Penetration

Francisco de Sousa Fernandes



Black Start Capability of Offshore Wind Farms

Prashanth Hebbal Prakash



Ancillary services provision abilities of hydrogen electrolyzers

Abdelrahman Muneer Mohammed Abdelrahman Elhawash



Improving the Management of Future Distribution Networks by Leveraging TSO-DSO Coordination Schemes

Micael Filipe de Oliveira Simões



Network-Secure Participation of Aggregators of Multi-Energy Systems in Multi-Energy Markets

António Manuel Freitas Coelho
