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    Catarina Moreira Marques
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    01 setembro 2015


Deep Reinforcement Learning-Based Approach to Dynamically Balance Multi-manned Assembly Lines

Santos, R; Marques, C; Toscano, C; Ferreira, M; Ribeiro, J;

Lecture Notes in Mechanical Engineering

Assembly lines are at the core of many manufacturing systems, and planning for a well-balanced flow is key to ensure long-term efficiency. However, in flexible configurations such as Multi-Manned Assembly Lines (MMAL), the balancing problem also becomes more challenging. Due to the increased relevance of these assembly lines, this work aims to investigate the MMAL balancing problem, to contribute for a more effective decision-making process. Therefore, a new approach is proposed based on Deep Reinforcement Learning (DRL) embedded in a Digital Twin architecture. The proposed approach provides a close-to-reality training environment for the agent, using Discrete Event Simulation to simulate the production system dynamics. This methodology was tested on a real-world instance with preliminary results showing that similar solutions to the ones obtained using optimization-based strategies are achieved. This research provides evidence of success in terms of dynamic resource assignment to tasks and workers as a basis for future developments. © 2024, The Author(s), under exclusive license to Springer Nature Switzerland AG.


Inventory Strategies for Optimizing Resiliency and Sustainability in Pharmaceutical Supply Chains – A Simulation-Optimization Approach

Marques C.M.; Silva A.C.; de Sousa J.P.;

Computer Aided Chemical Engineering

In this work a hybrid simulation-optimization approach is presented to support decision-making towards improved resiliency and sustainability in pharmaceutical supply chain (PSC) operations. In a first step, a simulation model is used to assess the PSC performance under a set of disruptive scenarios to select the best inventory-based strategy for enhanced resiliency. Disruptions addressed in this work are mainly related to unpredicted medium-term production stoppages due to unexpected high-impact events such as accidents in production and transportation, or natural disasters. In a second step, a multi-objective mixed integer linear programming (MO-MILP) model is developed to optimize the selected inventory-based strategy regarding the economic, social, and environmental dimensions. In particular, the social and environmental aspects are introduced by anticipating the expected waste generation of close to expire medicines, redirecting them into a donation scheme. The proposed approach is applied to a representative PSC, with preliminary results showing the relevance of this tool for decision-makers to assess the trade-offs associated to the economic and social dimensions, as well as their impacts on waste generation.


Unlocking the potential of digital twins to achieve sustainability in seaports: the state of practice and future outlook

Homayouni, SM; de Sousa, JP; Marques, CM;


This paper examines the role of digital twins (DTs) in promoting sustainability within seaport operations and logistics. DTs have emerged as promising tools for enhancing seaport performance. Despite the recognized potential of DTs in seaports, there is a paucity of research on their practical implementation and impact on seaport sustainability. Through a systematic literature review, this study seeks to elucidate how DTs contribute to the sustainability of seaports and to identify future research and practical applications. We reviewed and categorized 68 conceptual and practical digital applications into ten core areas that effectively support economic, social, and environmental objectives in seaports. Furthermore, this paper proposes five preliminary potential applications for DTs where practical implementations are currently lacking. The primary findings indicate that DTs can enhance seaport sustainability by facilitating real-time monitoring and decision-making, improving safety and security, optimizing resource utilization, enhancing collaboration and communication, and supporting the development of the seaport ecosystem. Additionally, this study addresses the challenges associated with DT implementation, including high costs, conflicting stakeholder priorities, data quality and availability, and model validation. The paper concludes with a discussion of the implications for seaport managers and policymakers.


Human-Centred Decision Support System for Improved Picking-by-Line Warehouse Operations

Silva, AC; Santos, RF; Senna, PP; Borges, FM; Marques, CM;

Human-Centred Technology Management for a Sustainable Future



A Simulation Approach for the Design of More Sustainable and Resilient Supply Chains in the Pharmaceutical Industry

Silva, AC; Marques, CM; de Sousa, JP;


In a world facing unprecedented challenges, such as climate changes and growing social problems, the pharmaceutical industry must ensure that its supply chains are environmentally sustainable and resilient, guaranteeing access to key medications even when faced with unanticipated disruptions or crises. The core goal of this work is to develop an innovative simulation-based approach to support more informed and effective decision making, while establishing reasonable trade-offs between supply chain robustness and resiliency, operational efficiency, and environmental and social concerns. Such a decision-support system will contribute to the development of more resilient and sustainable pharmaceutical supply chains, which are, in general, critical for maintaining access to essential medicines, especially during times of crises or relevant disruptions. The system will help companies to better manage and design their supply chains, providing a valuable tool to achieve higher levels of resilience and sustainability. The study we conducted has two primary contributions that are noteworthy. Firstly, we present a new advanced approach that integrates multiple simulation techniques, allowing for the modeling of highly complex environments. Secondly, we introduce a new conceptual framework that helps to comprehend the interplay between resiliency and sustainability in decision-making processes. These two contributions provide valuable insights into understanding complex systems and can aid in designing more resilient and sustainable systems.



Reinforcement learning for production scheduling applications

João Pedro Silva Casal



Strategic collaborative approaches for enhanced Supply Chain resiliency

José Pedro Pereira



Assembly Line Balancing with multiple resources

Ana Margarida da Silva Cruz



Biomass Supply Chain design and planning under uncertainty

Carlos Manuel da Silva e Castro
