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Sou natural do Funchal, na ilha da Madeira (Portugal) e concluí o mestrado em Tecnologia Multimédia em 2008 na Faculdade de Engenharia da Universidade do Porto (FEUP) e a Licenciatura em Engenharia de Sistemas e Computadores pela Universidade da Madeira (UMa) em 2001.

Após a conclusão da licenciatura estive envolvido na criação de empresas relacionacionadas com o desenvolvimento de software, bem como formação profissional. Tendo adquirido competências para lecionar, estou envolvido com o ensino e a aprendizagem desde 2005. Desde 2010, sou aluno de doutoramento em Media Digitais na FEUP cuja temática aborda o treino e certificação através da aprendizagem baseada nos jogos, em particular nos jogos sérios. 

Colaborei ao longo dos últimos anos em vários projetos de investigação (Nacionais, Europeus e Internacionais) como bolseiro de investigação no Graphics, Interaction and Gaming (GIG) do Departamento de Informática da FEUP e no Centro de Sistemas de Informação e de Computação Gráfica no INESCTEC (ERAS (FCT), ICARUS (FP7), New Tools for Certification in Game-based Learning (IC2-Austin/US).

Leciono na FEUP e FLUP, e mais recentemente iniciei uma colaboração com a empresa GISGEO na área de I&D em ferramentas de informação geográficas (SIGs) e geolocalização.

de interesse


  • Nome

    Ricardo José Baptista
  • Cargo

  • Desde

    05 abril 2013


Inven!RA Architecture for Sustainable Deployment of Immersive Learning Environments

Morgado, L; Coelho, A; Beck, D; Gutl, C; Cassola, F; Baptista, R; van Zeller, M; Pedrosa, D; Cruzeiro, T; Cota, D; Grilo, R; Schlemmer, E;


The objective of this work was to support the sustainable deployment of immersive learning environments, which face varied obstacles, including the lack of support infrastructures for active learning pedagogies. Sustainability from the perspective of the integration of these environments in educational practice entails situational awareness, workload, and the informed assessment ability of participants, which must be supported for such activities to be employed in a widespread manner. We have approached this wicked problem using the Design Science Research paradigm and produced the Inven!RA software architecture. This novel result constitutes a solution for developing software platforms to enable the sustainable deployment of immersive learning environments. The Inven!RA architecture is presented alongside four demonstration scenarios employed in its evaluation, providing a means for the situational awareness of immersive learning activities in support of pedagogic decision making.


Proposal of a framework for adaptive Serious Games using Design Science Research methodology

De Araujo Pistono, AMA; Santos, AMP; Baptista, RJV;

Iberian Conference on Information Systems and Technologies, CISTI

Games with purposes beyond entertainment, the so-called serious games, have been useful tools in professional training, especially in engaging participants. However, their evaluation and, also, their adaptable characteristics to different scenarios, audiences and contexts remain challenges. This paper examines the application of serious games in professional training, their results and adaptable ways to achieve certain goals. Using the Design Science Research (DSR) methodology, a framework was built to develop and evaluate serious games to improve user experience, learning outcomes, knowledge transfer to work situations, and the application of the skills practised in the game in real professional settings. At this stage, the investigation presents a framework regarding the triangulation of data collected from a systematic literature review, focus groups and interviews. Following the DSR methodology, the next steps of this investigation, listed at the end of the paper, are the demonstration of the framework in serious game development and the evaluation and validation of this artefact. © 2023 ITMA.


Gender Inequality in Computer Science Higher Education: A Case Study

de Almeida, JESC; Carneiro, MA; Silva, MFL; Baptista, RJV;

Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems

Following the reduced number of female students at ISTEC Porto computer science and engineering courses, we tried to find out what are the factors that might be causing this fact. This gender inequality was found looking back at the data from the last 15 years, clearly showing the gap between male and female students managing to conclude the degree. To point out the reasons and probable explanation a literature review was made to figure out conceivable paths to change this status quo. The article concludes that gender inequality resides on cultural differences as well as in the lack of information about the real role played by women in technology companies, particularly IT companies. © 2022, The Author(s), under exclusive license to Springer Nature Switzerland AG.


An Initial Framework for Adaptive Serious Games Based on a Systematic Literature Review

Pistono, AMAD; Santos, AMP; Baptista, RJV;


Serious Games have been used in professional training to increase employee engagement and improve the results of training initiatives. This work intends to investigate the influence of game elements, in adaptable Serious Games, according to the users' interactions, on the increase of engagement in the game itself and, as the main goal, on the learning results and the transfer of the acquired knowledge and practised skills to the daily work activities. Using the Design Science Research - DSR methodology, this study aims to develop a framework for the development and evaluation of Serious Games to improve the user experience, the learning outcomes, the transfer of knowledge to work situations, and the application of the skills practised in the game in real professional scenarios. This paper presents an initial Framework for Adaptive Serious Games derived from a systematic literature review. The next steps in this investigation are pointed out following the DSR methodology.


A qualitative analysis of frameworks for training through Serious Games

Pistono, A; Santos, A; Baptista, R;

Procedia Computer Science

The new education paradigm derived from industry 4.0 indicates that personalised and engaging learning models should be applied to train employees so they can know the related concepts of this industry, have the necessary skills to perform adequately their tasks and correctly use the technologies and tools. This paper presents a qualitative analysis of existing frameworks for training through Serious Games. By analysing the frameworks identified in a previously conducted literature review, this paper shows the frameworks' dimensions, objectives, and trends. Gaps regarding the planned adaptation of Serious Games by the studied frameworks and the lack of relationship between learning outcomes and professional competencies were also presented. © 2022 Elsevier B.V.. All rights reserved.



Aplicação ludificada para micro-aprendizagem em Engenharia: Um caso de estudo na Física

Ana Sofia da Silva Cruz



Software Verification and Defect Analysis

Cláudio Filipe Belo da Silva Lourenço
