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    Lia Coelho Oliveira
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    Investigador Colaborador Externo
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    01 junho 2009


Integrating Online and Offline Distribution Strategies - A Portuguese Case Study

Santos, A; Garcia, JE; Oliveira, LC; de Araujo, DL; da Fonseca, MJS;


The online channel, particularly in the food retail area, has been evolving positively and exponentially in the world, including Portugal. Currently, this type of purchase is increasingly part of people's daily lives, even more so with the emergence of the Covid-19 pandemic. Consequently, in Portugal, most companies adopt a multichannel strategy, where the physical store and the online store operate independently from each other. However, it is necessary to rethink this channel integration model, which may go through an omnichannel strategy, where the physical store and the online store operate as a single store, and where several advantages are already recognized in terms of the consumer's shopping experience. The main objective of this study is to understand the strategy implemented by the company studied, Pingo Doce, through an analysis and description of its channels. To better understand the strategy of the company under study, a semi-structured exploratory interview was carried out with one of the people in charge of Pingo Doce's digital channels, to understand the strategy used by the company and thus complement the data obtained through direct observation and bibliographic research. At the end of the work developed it was possible to understand the positioning of Pingo Doce in the online food retail area and their online and offline distribution strategies.


Reducing Environmental Impact Using Vehicle Route Planning

de Oliveira, LC; Pavlenko, O; Garcia, JE;

Lecture Notes in Mechanical Engineering

Companies focus on achieving high service levels and need to combine short service times with the dynamics between cost and quality. Their transportation systems are therefore a fundamental part; they must be reliable and efficient. This study was implemented in a company of the marine industry, and its final product has special characteristics that require special transportation, i.e., they need a truck with a special structure to be able to transport the boats. This situation causes the vehicle to return empty to the company, a route that the company must support economically. The company has already approached several options with logistic service providers (3PL) without obtaining positive solutions. It is in this sense that the present project arises, which aims to develop a tool for the creation of round-trip circuits, given that in the current context the company intends to acquire a vehicle with reduced environmental impact. In a first phase we analyze the company’s needs based on the unique characteristics of the final product, then we study the existing options on the market. Culminating in the proposal of a vehicle that allows performing a circuit in round trip (distribute the final product and return with raw material and not empty) powered by renewable energy. © 2023, The Author(s), under exclusive license to Springer Nature Switzerland AG.


Tracking Method for Aircraft on Ground (AOG) Service and the Challenges for E-commerce

Monteiro, C; de Oliveira, LC; Garcia, JE;


With the increasing use of air transport (cargo and passengers), the evolution of safety standards to an increasingly demanding level, markets have seen the development of business structures and strategies in the sector. Since 2009, revenues in the sector have been increasing, but it is necessary to optimize the operations that compose it. One of the critical areas is the management of maintenance schedules and consequently the stock management. In addition, the increase in e-commerce has led to cargoes having increasingly diverse specificity, value, and levels of urgency of delivery. The requirement for reliable and timely service is considered to be the main requirement and is matched by the price requirement. The high cost of stopping a plane outweighs the cost of transporting the required part, overriding the requirements of time and reliability, particularly in Aircraft on Ground (AOG) shipments. It has found that one of the problems is the small size of a large percentage of the components being transported. This feature encourages losses during transport and is blamed on various intermediaries in the supply chain. The need to track and trace product in real time is therefore crucial, particularly with the current demands of e-commerce customers. In this sense, the opportunity arose to the development of a package for the transport of small items allowing their traceability and monitoring. Through a questionnaire addressed to elements that intervene directly in the management of AOG shipments, 100% of respondents affirm that the use of an easy-to-identify box would avoid delays or losses and 91.7% of respondents affirm that a GPS device would improve the level of service.


Using EPP Boxes in a Dark Store: A New Approach to Simplify Food Retail E-Commerce Deliveries

Pintado, E; de Oliveira, LC; Garcia, JE;


Background: E-commerce has emerged as a good response to the pandemic of COVID-19. However, the costs of providing a service, which includes a driver and a vehicle, in a regular vehicle that can transport goods that need positive cold (0 & DEG; to 5 & DEG;C) are very high. Objectives: This paper aims to investigate how a big Portuguese retailer company can reduce its dependence on refrigerated vehicles, simplifying operations and reducing the costs of transporting positive and negative cold food. Methods/Approach: This research was carried out in a food retailer Portuguese company, more precisely in a Dark Store dedicated to the online channel. The study was developed based on the AS-IS/TO-BE process analysis methodology, starting with the analysis of the current situation, giving rise to the so-called AS-IS model. Results: It was possible to reduce costs associated with transporting positive cold goods. As a result, there are 30% fewer costs associated with order transportation. With an additional 10% in space optimization with the gain of space within the galley of each vehicle. Conclusions: The costs of transporting positive and negative cold foods were decreased, and substituting vehicles with room temperature transport reduced the need for refrigerated vehicles.


The omnichannel strategy in portuguese companies: an overview

Alves, S; Da Fonseca, MJS; Garcia, JE; De Oliveira, LC; Teixeira, A;


The consumer's profile and behaviour have undergone drastic changes in recent years, as a result of rapid technological developments associated with the proliferation of the Internet, which have boosted the growth of e-commerce. Retail needed to adopt new strategies to respond to new consumer demands leading to the development of omnichannel. The omnichannel strategy is centred on the consumer and aims to offer him/her a unique, consistent, and quality experience, through any contact point and wherever the consumer wants. However, most Portuguese retailers still opt for a multichannel strategy, where the physical shop and the online shop operate independently from each other. Although there are already some successful cases in Portugal, it can be considered that the use of omnichannel is still at an early stage. More publicity is needed so that retailers are aware of the concept and above all recognise the advantages of this new strategy. Before disclosure it is important to understand why companies work with both online and offline channels and do not opt for an omnichannel strategy. This study aims to analyse Portuguese companies that have not yet adopted an omnichannel strategy, to understand the barriers that make them unwilling to adopt this strategy. To this end, a quantitative research was carried out through the application of surveys to companies in different districts of Portugal to understand their position in relation to omnichannel and the reasons for not moving to this structure. The results obtained made it possible to describe the importance of omnichannel as a commercial and distribution strategy and analyse the reasons why its use by companies in Portugal is still extremely low. The lack of knowledge about the structure and management issues emerged as the biggest barriers.