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  • Nome

    Jorge Morais
  • Cargo

    Investigador Colaborador Externo
  • Desde

    01 janeiro 2010


Pest Detection in Olive Groves Using YOLOv7 and YOLOv8 Models

Alves, A; Pereira, J; Khanal, S; Morais, AJ; Filipe, V;


Modern agriculture faces important challenges for feeding a fast-growing planet's population in a sustainable way. One of the most important challenges faced by agriculture is the increasing destruction caused by pests to important crops. It is very important to control and manage pests in order to reduce the losses they cause. However, pest detection and monitoring are very resources consuming tasks. The recent development of computer vision-based technology has made it possible to automatize pest detection efficiently. In Mediterranean olive groves, the olive fly (Bactrocera oleae Rossi) is considered the key-pest of the crop. This paper presents olive fly detection using the lightweight YOLO-based model for versions 7 and 8, respectively, YOLOv7-tiny and YOLOv8n. The proposed object detection models were trained, validated, and tested using two different image datasets collected in various locations of Portugal and Greece. The images are constituted by sticky yellow trap photos and by McPhail trap photos with olive fly exemplars. The performance of the models was evaluated using precision, recall, and mAP.95. The YOLOV7-tiny model best performance is 88.3% of precision, 85% of Recall, 90% of mAP.50, and 53% of mAP.95. The YOLOV8n model best performance is 85% of precision, 85% of Recall, 90% mAP.50, and 55% of mAP.50 YOLO8n model achieved worst results than YOLOv7-tiny for a dataset without negative images (images without olive fly exemplars). Aiming at installing an experimental prototype in the olive grove, the YOLOv8n model was implemented in a Ubuntu Server 23.04 Raspberry PI 3 microcomputer.


X-Model4Rec: An Extensible Recommender Model Based on the User’s Dynamic Taste Profile

de Azambuja, RX; Morais, AJ; Filipe, V;

Human-Centric Intelligent Systems

AbstractSeveral approaches have been proposed to obtain successful models to solve complex next-item recommendation problem in non-prohibitive computational time, such as by using heuristics, designing architectures, and applying information filtering techniques. In the current technological scenario of artificial intelligence, sequential recommender systems have been gaining attention and they are a highly demanding research area, especially using deep learning in their development. Our research focuses on an efficient and practical model for managing sequential session-based recommendations of specific products for users using the wine and movie domains as case studies. Through an innovative recommender model called X-Model4Rec – eXtensible Model for Recommendation, we explore the user's dynamic taste profile using architectures with transformer and multi-head attention mechanisms to solve the next-item recommendation problem. The performance of the proposed model is compared to that of classical and baseline recommender models on two real-world datasets of wines and movies, and the results are better for most of the evaluation metrics.


X-Wines: A Wine Dataset for Recommender Systems and Machine Learning

de Azambuja, RX; Morais, AJ; Filipe, V;


In the current technological scenario of artificial intelligence growth, especially using machine learning, large datasets are necessary. Recommender systems appear with increasing frequency with different techniques for information filtering. Few large wine datasets are available for use with wine recommender systems. This work presents X-Wines, a new and consistent wine dataset containing 100,000 instances and 21 million real evaluations carried out by users. Data were collected on the open Web in 2022 and pre-processed for wider free use. They refer to the scale 1-5 ratings carried out over a period of 10 years (2012-2021) for wines produced in 62 different countries. A demonstration of some applications using X-Wines in the scope of recommender systems with deep learning algorithms is also presented.


An Ontological Model for Fire Evacuation Route Recommendation in Buildings

Neto J.; Jorge Morais A.; Gonçalves R.; Coelho A.L.;

Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems

The study of the evacuation of buildings in emergency fire situations has deserved the attention of researchers for decades, particularly regarding the real-time guiding of occupants in their way to exit the building. However, finding solutions to guide the occupants evacuating a building requires a thorough knowledge of that domain. Using ontological models to model the knowledge of a domain allows the understanding of that domain to be shared. This paper presents an ontological model that pretends to reinforce and deepen knowledge of the domain under study and help develop solutions and systems capable of guiding the occupants during a building evacuation. The ontology was developed following the METHONTOLOGY methodology, and for implementation, the Protégé tool was used. The ontological model was successfully submitted to a thorough evaluation process and is publicly available on the Web.


Geometric and Physical Building Representation and Occupant’s Movement Models for Fire Building Evacuation Simulation

Neto J.; Morais A.J.; Gonçalves R.; Coelho A.L.;

Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems

Building evacuation simulation allows for a better assessment of fire safety conditions in existing buildings, which is why it is of interest to develop an easy-to-use Web platform that helps fire safety technicians in this assessment. To achieve this goal, the geometric and physical representation of the building and installed fire safety devices are necessary, as well as the modelling of occupant movement. Although these are widely studied areas, in this paper, we present two new model approaches, either for the physical and geometric representation of a building or for the occupant’s movement simulation, during a building evacuation process. To test both models, we develop a multi-agent Web simulator platform. The tests carried out show the suitability of the model approaches herein presented.