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Filipa concluiu o Mestrado em Ciência da Informação na FEUP (Faculdade de Engenharia da Universidade do Porto) em 2010. A sua tese de mestrado foi realizada na área de investigação em Gestão de Informação e Gestão de Conteúdos Empresariais. Profissionalmente, começou a trabalhar como consultora de IT no Centro de Engenharia de Sistemas Empresariais (CESE) no INESC TEC em Dezembro de 2008. Como consultora, trabalhou com empresas de diferentes sectores, tanto industriais como de serviços, em projectos que tinham como objetivo melhorar os Processos de Negócio e Sistemas de Informação das empresas. Além disso, participou activamente como investigadora em Projectos Europeus de IDT e em actividades de investigação na área de gestão da informação e gestão do conhecimento no âmbito do grupo de investigação de Redes Colaborativas e Gestão do Conhecimento liderado pelo Professor António Lucas Soares. Da mesma forma, manteve a sua ligação com a universidade, sendo Professora Convidada nos cursos de Licenciatura e de Mestrado em Ciência da Informação na Faculdade de Engenharia da Universidade do Porto. Em 2014 deixou o INESC TEC para abraçar um novo desafio profissional fora do ambiente de investigação na VORTAL como Analista Funcional Sénior. Isto representou uma excelente oportunidade para desenvolver soft-skills e adquirir experiência no desenvolvimento de sistemas de informação, em particular nas áreas de elicitação e especificação de requisitos de software e para se familiarizar com as mais recentes metodologias de desenvolvimento de de software. No final de 2016, sentiu a necessidade de realizar outro dos seus objectivos pessoais e profissionais: desenvolver um doutoramento. Assim, junta-se de novo ao INESC TEC para trabalhar como investigadora com o Prof. António Lucas Soares no Centro de Engenharia de Sistemas Empresariais (CESE) nos domínios científicos da Gestão da Informação, Gestão do Conhecimento, Colaboração, Plataformas Digitais, Fábricas Digitais. Juntou-se ao Programa de Doutoramento FEUP em Meios Digitais, em 2018. Desde 2019 tem uma bolsa de investigação de doutoramento da FCT para desenvolver o seu projeto de investigação de doutoramento.

de interesse


  • Nome

    Filipa Rente Ramalho
  • Cargo

    Assistente de Investigação
  • Desde

    01 dezembro 2008


Application of Augmented Reality to Support Manufacturing Resilience

Ramalho F.R.; Moreno T.; Soares A.L.; Almeida A.H.; Oliveira M.;

Lecture Notes in Mechanical Engineering

European industrial value chains and manufacturing companies have recently faced critical challenges imposed by disruptive events related to the pandemic and associated social/political problems. Many European manufacturing industries have already recognized the importance of digitalization to increase manufacturing systems’ autonomy and, consequently, become more resilient to adapt to new contexts and environments. Augmented reality (AR) is one of the emerging technologies associated with the European Industry 5.0 initiative, responsible for increasing human-machine interactions, promoting resilience through decision-making, and flexibility to deal with variability and unexpected events. However, the application and benefits of AR in increasing manufacturing resilience are still poorly perceived by academia and by European Manufacturing companies. Thus, the purpose of this paper is to contribute to the state of the art by relating the application of AR with current industrial processes towards manufacturing systems resilience. In order to cope with this objective, the industrial resilience and augmented human worker concepts are first presented. Then, through an exploratory study involving different manufacturing companies, a list of relevant disruptive events is compiled, as well as a proposal with specific ideas and functionalities on how AR can be applied to address them. In conclusion, this research work highlights the importance of AR in coping mainly with disruptive events related to Human Workforce Management and Market/Sales Management. The AR application ideas shared a common thread of availability and delivery of information to the worker at the right time, place, and format, acting on the standardization and flexibility of the work to support manufacturing resilience.


Recommendation Tool for Use of Immersive Learning Environments

Morgado, L; Torres, M; Beck, D; Torres, F; Almeida, A; Simões, A; Ramalho, F; Coelho, A;

8th International Conference of the Immersive Learning Research Network, iLRN 2022, Vienna, Austria, May 30 - June 4, 2022

In the field of immersive learning, instructors often find it challenging to match their pedagogical approaches and content knowledge with specific technologies. Unfortunately, this usually results in either a lack of technology use or inappropriate use of some technologies. Teachers and trainers wishing to use immersive learning environments face a diversity of technological and pedagogical alternatives. To scaffold educators in their planning of immersive learning educational activities, we devised a recommendation tool, which maps educational context variables to the dimensions of immersion and uses educators' contexts to identify the closest educational uses. Sample educational activities for those uses are then presented, for various types of educational methodologies. Educators can use these samples to plan their educational activities in line with their current resources or to innovate by pursuing entirely different approaches.


Immersive Systems in Human-Centered Manufacturing: The Informational Dimension

Ramalho, FR; Soares, AL; Almeida, AH;


The rise of smart manufacturing environments, characterized by high quantity of data/information available, contributes to a growing interest and research towards the use of immersive technologies not only in factories but also across entire value chains. New immersive technologies and devices are being developed to improve cooperation within Collaborative Networks (CNs), especially in the human-machine hybrid networks context. The application of these technologies in such complex environments expands substantially the modes how information is delivered and used, which may exacerbate one of the oldest problems of cognitive ergonomics: information overload. Therefore, this work presents applications of immersive technologies in manufacturing into the perspective of "information work" and "immersive human-centered manufacturing systems". A framework is proposed to be developed in a FabLab to understand the worker needs and interactions. This FabLab aims to demonstrate the potential/real application of immersive technologies, towards the enhancement of the human worker cognitive capabilities.


Providing industry 4.0 technologies: The case of a production technology cluster

Dalmarco, G; Ramalho, FR; Barros, AC; Soares, AL;

Journal of High Technology Management Research

The concept of industry 4.0 (i4.0) encompasses the integration of different technologies into an autonomous, knowledge- and sensor-based, self-regulating production system. Our objective is to synthesize which are the challenges and opportunities of adopting i4.0 from the perspective of technology provider companies. A single-case research was conducted with ten companies at the Portuguese Production Technologies Cluster. Based on i4.0 technologies – Augmented reality; Additive Manufacturing; Big Data; Cloud Computing; Cyber-Physical Systems; Cybersecurity; Smart Robotics; Simulation; and System Integration – interviewees mentioned that the main adoption challenges are the analysis of data generated, integration of new technologies with available equipment and workforce, and computational limitations. The main opportunities are improvements in: efficiency; flexibility; productivity; cybersecurity; quality of products and services; and decision process due to data analysis. Interviewees have also foreseen changes in company's business model through the integration of internal resources with complementary activities of their partners and other cluster companies. © 2019 Elsevier Inc.


How's ICT project management going in Portugal?

Silva, D; Gomes, P; Pinto, JA; Ramalho, F;

Handbook of Research on Effective Project Management through the Integration of Knowledge and Innovation

This chapter presents the preliminary results of an IT organizational project management maturity research called OPM3® Portugal Project, which is currently underway. It was designed by Portuguese research and development organization Ambithus, based on PMI's (Project Management Institute) OPM3® (Organizational Project Management Maturity Model) standard. A descriptive analysis of IT organizations is made, the case studies selection criteria are explained, and a relevant literature revision of clustering models is made. Preliminary results from the IT organizations are presented and organized by Project Management and Portfolio Management processes, and Organizational Enablers. After the results analysis, it presents a list of processes and procedures that serves as the guidelines for what IT organizations need to improve to obtain a better level of maturity in Project Management. The overall results show that the IT Portuguese industry is strong on its processes and has a good level of maturity in project management.