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Autora do livro "Supply Chain Social Sustainability for Manufacturing" (destacado pela Springer Nature, em dezembro de 2020, como sendo uma das publicações que abordam um ou mais objetivos para o desenvolvimento sustentável (ODS) com maior número de downloads em 2020). Autora de várias publicações em revistas científicas internacionais, como International Journal of Production Economics, Journal of Cleaner Production, Sustainability, Scientometrics e Informetrics. O artigo "Enhancing supply chain performance through supplier social sustainability: An emerging economy perspective", escrito em colaboração com Mani Venkatesh e Angappa Gunasekaran e publicado no International Journal of Production Economics, encontra-se destacado na base de dados Web of Science como um artigo "Highly Cited in Field". Diretora do Mestrado em Gestão Comercial da FEP.UPorto. Docente de cursos e unidades curriculares nas áreas de Gestão das operações, Gestão da cadeia logística, Investigação operacional, Análise multivariada de dados, Gestão da qualidade, Gestão e melhoria contínua (foco: Kaizen, Lean, Six Sigma e Lean Six Sigma), Responsabilidade Social e Relato de Sustentabilidade. Doutoramento e licenciatura em Eng. Eletrotécnica e de Computadores pela FEUP, em 2004 e 1996, respetivamente. Prémios Fundação Eng. António Almeida e Eng. Cristiano Spratley em 1997. MBA em Gestão, ramo de Estratégia Empresarial, pela Faculdade de Economia da Universidade de Coimbra, em 2007. Interesses de investigação: sustainable supply chain management/ operations, responsible consumption, e-consumers e e-commerce, Corporate Social Responsibility disclosure, Lean Six Sigma/ Continuous Improvement, Scientometrics.

de interesse


  • Nome

    Catarina Delgado
  • Cargo

    Investigador Colaborador Externo
  • Desde

    01 agosto 2013


Brand Love, Attitude, and Environmental Cause Knowledge: Sustainable Blue Jeans Consumer Behavior

Magano J.; Brandão T.; Delgado C.; Vale V.;

Sustainability (Switzerland)

A blue jeans brand committed to the environmental cause could position itself as unique and socially responsible and attract environmentally driven consumers. This research study examines the relationship between brand love and consumers’ environmental cause knowledge and their willingness to recommend and pay a premium for sustainable blue jeans. To this end, this cross-sectional study comprises a snowball convenience sample of 978 Portuguese respondents, whose data were collected from December 2022 to January 2023. Positive associations between self-expression, brand love, loyalty, environmental cause knowledge, positive word-of-mouth, and willingness to pay a premium for sustainable blue jeans stand out. There are differences in the willingness to pay a premium among generations, education levels, and consumers who are aware of sustainable line extensions and those who are not. The results may be helpful for brands, suggesting their communication should focus on creating increased proximity to consumers by enhancing their values and seeking to link their brands to intrinsic benefits and environmental stakes. This is the first study to incorporate knowledge of the environmental cause into a model linking brand love, brand loyalty, positive word-of-mouth, and willingness to pay a premium for sustainable blue jeans.


Persuasive Determinants in the Hotel Industry's Newsletter Opening Rates

Araujo, CR; Pires, PB; Delgado, C; Santos, JD;


Email marketing plays a key role in business communications and is one of the most widely used applications by consumers. The literature review points to several determinants that, when applied, increase the open rate of newsletters. This research evaluates the impact of six determinants of persuasion on the opening rate of a newsletter in the hotel industry. The determinants are the day of sending, the time of sending, subject line personalization, scarcity appeal, curiosity appeal, and authority figure. The chosen methodology focused on real experiments, using a high-end luxury hotel, and the respective customer database. The newsletter was sent to the subscriber list, where one part received the control and the other part received a variant with the test version. Ten A/B tests were conducted for each determinant. The results obtained were not in line with what is indicated in the literature review. Although the literature review yielded results that showed that the application of determinants increased the open rate of newsletters, this study obtained findings to the opposite and did not confirm what was prescribed by the reviewed literature. The results of the A/B tests were conclusive and revealed that the determinants did not increase the open rate of newsletters.


Board Characteristics, Social Trust and ESG Performance in the European Banking Sector

Miranda, B; Delgado, C; Branco, MC;

Journal of Risk and Financial Management

The aim of this study is to examine the impacts of board size, gender diversity and independence on ESG performance whilst also examining the impact of country-level social trust on such performance. We perform a panel data analysis and the least squares method for a sample of 75 European banks and a time span of 4 years from 2016 to 2019. We find that ESG performance is positively associated with board gender diversity and independence, and negatively associated with board size. Surprisingly, we find a negative relationship between country-level social trust and ESG performance. This is an important finding that we interpret as being related to the loss of confidence in the banking sector in the wake of the 2008 financial crisis. To regain such trust, the banking sector is likely to have suffered higher social pressure to engage in ESG activities in countries where social trust is lower. © 2023 by the authors.


Intention to purchase sustainable fashion: Influencer and worth-of- mouth determinants

Moráis, CF; Pires, PB; Delgado, C; Santos, JD;

Social Media and Online Consumer Decision Making in the Fashion Industry

There is a recognized need to study sustainability in fashion. Several studies have documented the determinants that influence fashion purchase intention. However, the determinants that influence the purchase of sustainable fashion still need to be understood, particularly those factors associated with influencers and electronic word-of-mouth. This study aimed to examine the constructs influencer credibility, influencer expertise, influencer similarity, influencer'sparasocial relationship, E-WOM homophily, E-WOM expertise, trust in the influencer, trust in social media, performance expectation, consumer knowledge, environmental beliefs, brand awareness and willingness to pay more, and their effect on purchase intention. The research methodology consisted of consumer interviews that were conducted using an online platform, and structural equation modeling was used to test the research hypotheses. The results obtained indicate that consumer knowledge and willingness to pay more are the only constructs that positively affect the purchase intention of sustainable fashion. © 2023, IGI Global. All rights reserved.


Green Cosmetics: Determinants of Purchase Intention

Rodrigues, AC; Pires, PB; Delgado, C; Santos, JD;

Handbook of Research on Achieving Sustainable Development Goals With Sustainable Marketing

This study examined the determinants of purchase intention of green cosmetics, and eight semi-structured interviews were performed to identify them. The determinants identified were environmental awareness, lifestyle, willingness to pay, ethical issues and social and economic justice, cosmetic quality, concern with health, certification labels, trust in the brand, and advertising. Environmental awareness, lifestyle, willingness to pay, quality issues, ethics, and social and economic justice, as well as quality expectations, health concerns, and product knowledge, are the most significant determinants in the intention to purchase green cosmetics. Determinants such as certification labels, brand trust, and advertising are less significant. The research is relevant for the cosmetics industry and its brands to adapt their strategy and product offering to meet consumers’ needs and increase the consumption of green cosmetics and can also serve as a basis for the development of new quantitative studies on the purchase intention of green cosmetics. © 2023 by IGI Global.



Reverse Logistics – Current Chain and Analysis

Carla Sofia Bessa de Sousa



O Impacto dos Chabots no Comportamento do Consumidor Online

Carolina Pereira Mustur



Sustainability in the manufacturing - a systematic literature review

Catarina Sofia Martins Pereira




Nelson Manuel Marinho da Rocha



Quais são as principais ferramentas de comunicação e estratégia de branding usadas pela BOXPT? Estudo de Caso

André Alão Silva
