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Encontrado(s) 73 resultados

Towards the Interoperable energy ecosystem of the future

“Towards the Interoperable energy ecosystem of the future” é o evento organizado pelo projeto InterConnect e decorre em Bruxelas no dia 27 de setembro.

Webinar: "The Farmer’s Voice: Discussing Drivers and Barriers to Technology Adoption"

O project DEMETER promove o webinar intitulado "The Farmer’s Voice: Discussing Drivers and Barriers to Technology Adoption", no dia 31 de março, às 14h (CET).

"European Day for Digital Agriculture"

O projeto DIVAx organisa o "European Day of Digital Agriculture", a decorrer no dia 21 de Junho.

2016 STRONGMAR conference – A sea of science

The 2016 STRONGMAR conference is organized by INESC TEC under the STRONGMAR project, and will take place within BUSINESS2SEA. The registration is free but mandatory.

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