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Publicações por Sílvia Catarina Moreira


Process automation using RPA – a literature review

Moreira, S; Mamede, HS; Santos, A;

Procedia Computer Science



Business Process Automation in SMEs

Moreira, S; Mamede, HS; Santos, A;

Information Systems - 19th European, Mediterranean, and Middle Eastern Conference, EMCIS 2022, Virtual Event, December 21-22, 2022, Proceedings

Business Process Automation has been gaining increasing importance in the management of companies and organizations since it reduces the time needed to carry out routine tasks, freeing employees for other more creative and exciting things. The use of process automation seems to be a growing trend in the business’s operational restructuring, combined with digital transformation. It can be applied in the most varied business areas. Organizations from any sector of activity can also adopt it. Given these benefits, the granted success in transforming business processes would be expected. However, 30 to 50% of automation initiatives with Robotic Process Automation technology fail. In this work, a set of guidelines will be proposed that will constitute, after validation, a framework capable of guiding organizations, with a focus on SMEs, in the procedure of automating their processes, thus obtaining the maximum return of this transformation. © 2023, The Author(s), under exclusive license to Springer Nature Switzerland AG.


The possibilities of changes in learning experiences with Metaverse

Braguez, J; Braguez, M; Moreira, S; Filipe, C;

Procedia Computer Science
