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Publicações por Miguel Pinto Silva


The role of regular asymptomatic testing in reducing the impact of a COVID-19 wave

Silva, MEP; Fyles, M; Pi, L; Panovska Griffiths, J; House, T; Jay, C; Fearon, E;


Testing for infection with SARS-CoV-2 is an important intervention in reducing onwards transmission of COVID-19, particularly when combined with the isolation and contact-tracing of positive cases. Many countries with the capacity to do so have made use of lab-processed Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) testing targeted at individuals with symptoms and the contacts of confirmed cases. Alternatively, Lateral Flow Tests (LFTs) are able to deliver a result quickly, without lab-processing and at a relatively low cost. Their adoption can support regular mass asymptomatic testing, allowing earlier detection of infection and isolation of infectious individuals. In this paper we extend and apply the agent-based epidemic modelling framework Covasim to explore the impact of regular asymptomatic testing on the peak and total number of infections in an emerging COVID-19 wave. We explore testing with LFTs at different frequency levels within a population with high levels of immunity and with background symptomatic PCR testing, case isolation and contact tracing for testing. The effectiveness of regular asymptomatic testing was compared with ‘lockdown’ interventions seeking to reduce the number of non-household contacts across the whole population through measures such as mandating working from home and restrictions on gatherings. Since regular asymptomatic testing requires only those with a positive result to reduce contact, while lockdown measures require the whole population to reduce contact, any policy decision that seeks to trade off harms from infection against other harms will not automatically favour one over the other. Our results demonstrate that, where such a trade off is being made, at moderate rates of early exponential growth regular asymptomatic testing has the potential to achieve significant infection control without the wider harms associated with additional lockdown measures.


Comparing directed networks via denoising graphlet distributions

Silva, MEP; Gaunt, RE; Forero, LO; Jay, C; House, T;

J. Complex Networks



Tracking the Structure and Sentiment of Vaccination Discussions on Mumsnet

Silva, MEP; Skeva, R; House, T; Jay, C;




Predictive Maintenance, Adversarial Autoencoders and Explainability

Silva, MEP; Veloso, B; Gama, J;


The transition to Industry 4.0 provoked a transformation of industrial manufacturing with a significant leap in automation and intelligent systems. This paradigm shift has brought about a mindset that emphasizes predictive maintenance: detecting future failures when current behaviour of industrial processes and machines is thought to be normal. The constant monitoring of industrial equipment produces massive quantities of data that enables the application of machine learning approaches to this task. This study uses deep learning-based models to build a data-driven predictive maintenance framework for the air production unit (APU), a crucial system for the proper functioning of a Metro do Porto train. This public transport system moves thousands of people every day and train failures lead to delays and loss of trust by clients. Therefore, it is essential not only to detect APU failures before they occur to minimize negative impacts, but also to provide explanations for the failure warnings that can aid in decision-making processes. We propose an autoencoder architecture trained with an adversarial loss, known as the Wasserstein Autoencoder with Generative Adversarial Network (WAE-GAN), designed to detect sensor failures in systems connected to the APU. Our model can detect APU failures up to two hours before they occur, allowing timely intervention of the maintenance teams. We further augment our model with an explainability layer, by providing explanations generated by a rule-based model that focuses on rare events. Results show that our model is able to detect APU failures without any false alarms, fulfilling the requisites of Metro do Porto for early detection of the failures.


Tracking the structure and sentiment of vaccination discussions on Mumsnet

Silva, MEP; Skeva, R; House, T; Jay, C;


Vaccination is one of the most impactful healthcare interventions in terms of lives saved at a given cost, leading the anti-vaccination movement to be identified as one of the top 10 threats to global health in 2019 by the World Health Organization. This issue increased in importance during the COVID-19 pandemic where, despite good overall adherence to vaccination, specific communities still showed high rates of refusal. Online social media has been identified as a breeding ground for anti-vaccination discussions. In this work, we study how vaccination discussions are conducted in the discussion forum of Mumsnet, a UK-based website aimed at parents. By representing vaccination discussions as networks of social interactions, we can apply techniques from network analysis to characterize these discussions, namely network comparison, a task aimed at quantifying similarities and differences between networks. Using network comparison based on graphlets-small connected network subgraphs-we show how the topological structure of vaccination discussions on Mumsnet differs over time, in particular before and after COVID-19. We also perform sentiment analysis on the content of the discussions and show how the sentiment toward vaccinations changes over time. Our results highlight an association between differences in network structure and changes to sentiment, demonstrating how network comparison can be used as a tool to guide and enhance the conclusions from sentiment analysis.

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