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Publicações por David Emanuel Prazeres


A SMACC based mission control system for autonomous underwater vehicles

Carvalho, D; Martins, A; Almeida, JM; Silva, E;


Scientific and environmental focused deep sea exploration is being expanded and as such a new class of Autonomous Underwater Vehicle (AUV) capable of accessing deep underwater sea bed environment for long periods of time is being deployed. This type of vehicle and the mission environment poses challenges to the mission development as these operations contain many systems that must work together to ensure that the mission requirements are met and that the vehicle is operated safely. As such, a solution based on the SMACC library for Robotic Operating System (ROS) was proposed and tested using a simulator. The results shown were based on the simulation of three missions representative of different scenarios for a deep sea exploration AUV and they were evaluated on the completion of the mission plan.