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Publicações por Pedro Nuno


Detecting Docking-based Structures for Persistent ASVs using a Volumetric Neural Network

Pereira, MI; Leite, PN; Pinto, AM;


In recent years, research concerning the operation of Autonomous Surface Vehicles (ASVs) has seen an upward trend, although the full-scale application of this type of vehicles still encounters diverse limitations. In particular, the docking and undocking processes of an ASV are tasks that currently require human intervention. Aiming to take one step further towards enabling a vessel to dock autonomously, this article presents a Deep Learning approach to detect a docking structure in the environment surrounding the vessel. The work also included the acquisition of a dataset composed of LiDAR scans and RGB images, along with IMU and GPS information, obtained in simulation. The developed network achieved an accuracy of 95.99%, being robust to several degrees of Gaussian noise, with an average accuracy of 9334% and a deviation of 5.46% for the worst case.


Exploiting Motion Perception in Depth Estimation Through a Lightweight Convolutional Neural Network

Leite, PN; Pinto, AM;


Understanding the surrounding 3D scene is of the utmost importance for many robotic applications. The rapid evolution of machine learning techniques has enabled impressive results when depth is extracted from a single image. High-latency networks are required to achieve these performances, rendering them unusable for time-constrained applications. This article introduces a lightweight Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) for depth estimation, NEON, designed for balancing both accuracy and inference times. Instead of solely focusing on visual features, the proposed methodology exploits the Motion-Parallax effect to combine the apparent motion of pixels with texture. This research demonstrates that motion perception provides crucial insight about the magnitude of movement for each pixel, which also encodes cues about depth since large displacements usually occur when objects are closer to the imaging sensor. NEON's performance is compared to relevant networks in terms of Root Mean Squared Error (RMSE), the percentage of correctly predicted pixels (delta(1)) and inference times, using the KITTI dataset. Experiments prove that NEON is significantly more efficient than the current top ranked network, estimating predictions 12 times faster; while achieving an average RMSE of 3.118 m and a delta(1) of 94.5%. Ablation studies demonstrate the relevance of tailoring the network to use motion perception principles in estimating depth from image sequences, considering that the effectiveness and quality of the estimated depth map is similar to more computational demanding state-of-the-art networks. Therefore, this research proposes a network that can be integrated in robotic applications, where computational resources and processing-times are important constraints, enabling tasks such as obstacle avoidance, object recognition and robotic grasping.


NEREON - An Underwater Dataset for Monocular Depth Estimation

Dionisio, JMM; Pereira, PNAAS; Leite, PN; Neves, FS; Tavares, JMRS; Pinto, AM;


Structures associated with offshore wind energy production require an arduous and cyclical inspection and maintenance (O&M) procedure. Moreover, the harsh challenges introduced by sub-sea phenomena hamper visibility, considerably affecting underwater missions. The lack of quality 3D information within these environments hinders the applicability of autonomous solutions in close-range navigation, fault inspection and intervention tasks since these have a very poor perception of the surrounding space. Deep learning techniques are widely used to solve these challenges in aerial scenarios. The developments in this subject are limited regarding underwater environments due to the lack of publicly disseminated underwater information. This article presents a new underwater dataset: NEREON, containing both 2D and 3D data gathered within real underwater environments at the ATLANTIS Coastal Test Centre. This dataset is adequate for monocular depth estimation tasks, which can provide useful information during O&M missions. With this in mind, a benchmark comparing different deep learning approaches in the literature was conducted and presented along with the NEREON dataset.

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