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Publicações por Adriano Rivolli Silva


Enhancing multilabel classification for food truck recommendation

Rivolli, A; Soares, C; de Carvalho, ACPLF;


Food trucks are a widely popular fast food restaurant alternative, whose differentiating factor is their proximity to customers. Their popularity has stimulated the expansion of available options, which now includes several different types of cuisines, consequently making the choice by customers a challenging issue. From data obtained via a market research, in which hundreds of participants provided their food truck preferences, this paper focuses on the problem of food truck recommendation using a multilabel approach. In particular, it investigates how to improve the recommendation task regarding a previous work, where some labels have never been predicted. In order to address this problem, different alternatives were investigated. One of these alternatives, the Ensemble of Single Label, proposed in this paper, was able to reduce it. Despite its simplicity, good predictive results were obtained when they were used in the investigated task. Among other benefits, all labels were correctly predicted at least for few instances.


Machine Learning for Drugs Prescription

Silva, P; Rivolli, A; Rocha, P; Correia, F; Soares, C;

Intelligent Data Engineering and Automated Learning - IDEAL 2018 - 19th International Conference, Madrid, Spain, November 21-23, 2018, Proceedings, Part I

In a medical appointment, patient information, including past exams, is analyzed in order to define a diagnosis. This process is prone to errors, since there may be many possible diagnoses. This analysis is very dependent on the experience of the doctor. Even with the correct diagnosis, prescribing medicines can be a problem, because there are multiple drugs for each disease and some may not be used due to allergies or high cost. Therefore, it would be helpful, if the doctors were able to use a system that, for each diagnosis, provided a list of the most suitable medicines. Our approach is to support the physician in this process. Rather than trying to predict the medicine, we aim to, given the available information, predict the set of the most likely drugs. The prescription problem may be solved as a Multi-Label classification problem since, for each diagnosis, multiple drugs may be prescribed at the same time. Due to its complexity, some simplifications were performed for the problem to be treatable. So, multiple approaches were done with different assumptions. The data supplied was also complex, with important problems in its quality, that led to a strong investment in data preparation, in particular, feature engineering. Overall, the results in each scenario are good with performances almost twice the baseline, especially using Binary Relevance as transformation approach. © 2018, Springer Nature Switzerland AG.


Label Expansion for Multi-Label Classification

Rivolli, A; Soares, C; de Carvalho, ACPLF;


In multi-label classification tasks, instances are simultaneously associated with multiple labels, representing different and, possibly, related concepts from a domain. One characteristic of these tasks is a high class-label imbalance. In order to obtain improved predictive models, several algorithms either have explored the label dependencies or have dealt with the problem of imbalanced labels. This work proposes a label expansion approach which combines both alternatives. For such, some labels are expanded with data from a related class label, making the labels more balanced and representative. Preliminary experiments show the effectiveness of this approach to improve the Binary Relevance strategy. Particularly, it reduced the number of labels that were never predicted in the test instances. Although the results are preliminary, they are potentially attractive, considering the scale and consistency of the improvement obtained, as well as the broad scope of the proposed approach.


Towards Reproducible Empirical Research in Meta-Learning

Rivolli, A; Garcia, LPF; Soares, C; Vanschoren, J; de Carvalho, ACPLF;

