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Publicações por Luís Paulo Santos


Heterogeneous Implementation of a Voronoi Cell-Based SVP Solver

Falcao, G; Cabeleira, F; Mariano, A; Santos, LP;


This paper presents a new, heterogeneous CPU+GPU attacks against lattice-based (post-quantum) cryptosystems based on the Shortest Vector Problem (SVP), a central problem in lattice-based cryptanalysis. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first SVP-attack against lattice-based cryptosystems using CPUs and GPUs simultaneously. We show that Voronoi-cell based CPU+GPU attacks, algorithmically improved in previous work, are suitable for the proposed massively parallel platforms. Results show that 1) heterogeneous platforms are useful in this scenario, as they increment the overall memory available in the system (as GPU's memory can be used effectively), a typical bottleneck for Voronoi-cell algorithms, and we have also been able to increase the performance of the algorithm on such a platform, by successfully using the GPU as a co-processor, 2) this attack can be successfully accelerated using conventional GPUs and 3) we can take advantage of multiple GPUs to attack lattice-based cryptosystems. Experimental results show a speedup up to 7.6x for 2 GPUs hosted by an Intel Xeon E5-2695 v2 CPU (12 cores x2 sockets) using only 1 core and gains in the order of 20% for 2 GPUs hosted by the same machine using all 22 CPU threads (2 are reserved for orchestrating the GPUs), compared to single-CPU execution using the entire 24 threads available.


A Quantum Algorithm for Ray Casting using an Orthographic Camera

Alves, C; Santos, LP; Bashford Rogers, T;


Quantum computing has the potential to provide solutions to many problems which are challenging or out of reach of classical computers. There are several problems in rendering which are amenable to being solved in quantum computers, but these have yet to be demonstrated in practice. This work takes a first step in applying quantum computing to one of the most fundamental operations in rendering: ray casting. This technique computes visibility between two points in a 3D model of the world which is described by a collection of geometric primitives. The algorithm returns, for a given ray, which primitive it intersects closest to its origin. Without a spatial acceleration structure, the classical complexity for this operation is O(N). In this paper, we propose an implementation of Grover's Algorithm (a quantum search algorithm) for ray casting. This provides a quadratic speed up allowing for visibility evaluation for unstructured primitives in O(root N). However, due to technological limitations associated with current quantum computers, in this work the geometrical setup is limited to rectangles and parallel rays (orthographic projection).


Interactive VPL-based global illumination on the GPU using fuzzy clustering

Colom, A; Marques, R; Santos, LP;


Physically-based synthesis of high quality imagery, including global illumination light transport phenomena, results in a significant workload, which makes interactive rendering a very challenging task. We propose a VPL-based ray tracing approach that runs entirely in the GPU and achieves interactive frame rates while handling global illumination light transport phenomena. This approach is based on clustering both shading points and VPLs and computing visibility only among clusters' representatives. A new massively parallel K-means clustering algorithm, enables efficient execution in the GPU. Rendering artifacts, that could result from the piecewise constant approximation of the VPLs/shading points visibility function introduced by the clustering, are smoothed away by resorting to an innovative approach based on fuzzy clustering and weighted interpolation of the visibility function. The effectiveness of the proposed approach is experimentally verified for a collection of scenes, with frame rates larger than 3 fps and up to 25 fps being demonstrated.(c) 2022 The Author(s). Published by Elsevier Ltd. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (


Policy gradients using variational quantum circuits

Sequeira, A; Santos, LP; Barbosa, LS;


Variational quantum circuits are being used as versatile quantum machine learning models. Some empirical results exhibit an advantage in supervised and generative learning tasks. However, when applied to reinforcement learning, less is known. In this work, we considered a variational quantum circuit composed of a low-depth hardware-efficient ansatz as the parameterized policy of a reinforcement learning agent. We show that an epsilon-approximation of the policy gradient can be obtained using a logarithmic number of samples concerning the total number of parameters. We empirically verify that such quantum models behave similarly to typical classical neural networks used in standard benchmarking environments and quantum control, using only a fraction of the parameters. Moreover, we study the barren plateau phenomenon in quantum policy gradients using the Fisher information matrix spectrum.


Selective rendering: Computing only what you see

Chalmers, A; Debattista, K; Dos Santos, LP;

Proceedings - GRAPHITE 2006: 4th International Conference on Computer Graphics and Interactive Techniques in Australasia and Southeast Asia

The computational requirements of a full physically-based global illumination solution are significant, currently precluding its solution on even a powerful modern PC in reasonable let alone real time. A key factor to consider if we are ever to achieve so-called "Realism in Real-Time", is that we are computing images for humans to look at. Although the human visual system is very good, it is by no means perfect. By understanding what the human does, or perhaps more importantly, does not see, enables us to save significant computation effort without any loss of perceptual quality of the resultant image. This paper describes the novel techniques of selective rendering which allow us to direct computational resources to those areas of high perceptual importance while avoiding computing any detail which will not be perceived by the viewer. Such selective rendering methods offer us the real possibility of achieving high fidelity graphics of complex scenes at interactive rates.


Real-Time Visualization of a Sparse Parametric Mixture Model for BTF Rendering

Silva, N; Santos, LP; Fussell, D;


Bidirectional Texture Functions (BTF) allow high quality visualization of real world materials exhibiting complex appearance and details that can not be faithfully represented using simpler analytical or parametric representations. Accurate representations of such materials require huge amounts of data, hindering real time rendering. BTFs compress the raw original data, constituting a compromise between visual quality and rendering time. This paper presents an implementation of a state of the art BTF representation on the GPU, allowing interactive high fidelity visualization of complex geometric models textured with multiple BTFs. Scalability with respect to the geometric complexity, amount of lights and number of BTFs is also studied.

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