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Publicações por Alexandre Amaral Oliveira


Simulation Environment for UAV Offshore Wind-Turbine Inspection

Oliveira, A; Dias, A; Santos, T; Rodrigues, P; Martins, A; Silva, E; Almeida, J;


Offshore wind farms are becoming the main alternative to fossil fuels and the future key to mitigating climate change by achieving energy sustainability. With favorable indicators in almost every environmental index, these structures operate under varying and dynamic environmental conditions, leading to efficiency losses and sudden failures. For these reasons, it's fundamental to promote the development of autonomous solutions to monitor the health condition of the construction parts, preventing structural damage and accidents. This paper introduces a new simulation environment for testing and training autonomous inspection techniques under a more realistic offshore wind farm scenario. Combining the Gazebo simulator with ROS, this framework can include multi-robots with different sensors to operate in a customizable simulation environment regarding some external elements (fog, wind, buoyancy...). The paper also presents a use case composed of a 3D LiDAR-based technique for autonomous wind turbine inspection with UAV, including point cloud clustering, model estimation, and the preliminary results under this simulation framework using a mixed environment (offshore simulation with a real UAV platform).

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