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Publicações por João Pedro Teixeira


Automatic Analysis of Lung Function Based on Smartphone Recordings

Teixeira, JF; Teixeira, LF; Fonseca, J; Jacinto, T;


Over 250 million people, worldwide, are affected by chronic lung conditions such as Asthma and COPD. These can cause breathlessness, a harsh decrease in quality of life and, if left undetected or not properly managed, even death. In this paper, we approached part of the lines of development suggested upon earlier work. This concerned the development of a system design for a smartphone lung function classification app, which would only use recordings from the built-in microphone. A more systematic method to evaluate the relevant combinations of methods was devised and an additional set of 44 recordings was used for testing purposes. The previous 101 were kept for training the models. The results enabled to further reduce the signal processing pipeline leading to the use of 6 envelopes, per recording, half of the previous amount. An analysis of the classification performances is provided for both previous tasks: differentiation into Normal from Abnormal lung function, and between multiple lung function patterns. The results from this project encourage further development of the system.


Automatic Distinction of Fernando Pessoas' Heteronyms

Teixeira, JF; Couto, M;


Text Mining has opened a vast array of possibilities concerning automatic information retrieval from large amounts of text documents. A variety of themes and types of documents can be easily analyzed. More complex features such as those used in Forensic Linguistics can gather deeper understanding from the documents, making possible performing difficult tasks such as author identification. In this work we explore the capabilities of simpler Text Mining approaches to author identification of unstructured documents, in particular the ability to distinguish poetic works from two of Fernando Pessoas' heteronyms: 'Alvaro de Campos and Ricardo Reis. Several processing options were tested and accuracies of 97% were reached, which encourage further developments.


Lung Function Classification of Smartphone Recordings - Comparison of Signal Processing and Machine Learning Combination Sets

Teixeira, JF; Teixeira, LF; Fonseca, J; Jacinto, T;

HEALTHINF 2015 - Proceedings of the International Conference on Health Informatics, Lisbon, Portugal, 12-15 January, 2015.

Worldwide, over 250 million people are affected by chronic lung conditions such as Asthma and COPD. These can cause breathlessness, a harsh decrease in quality of life and, if not detected and duly managed, even death. In this paper, we aim to find the best and most efficient combination of signal processing and machine learning approaches to produce a smartphone application that could accurately classify lung function, using microphone recordings as the only input. A total of 61 patients performed the forced expiration maneuver providing a dataset of 101 recordings. The signal processing comparison experiments were conducted in a backward selection approach, reducing from 54 to 12 final envelopes, per recording. The classification experiments focused first on differentiating Normal from Abnormal lung function, and second in multiple lung function patterns. The results from this project encourage further development of the system.


Multi-modal Complete Breast Segmentation

Zolfagharnasab, H; Monteiro, JP; Teixeira, JF; Borlinhas, F; Oliveira, HP;


Automatic segmentation of breast is an important step in the context of providing a planning tool for breast cancer conservative treatment, being important to segment completely the breast region in an objective way; however, current methodologies need user interaction or detect breast contour partially. In this paper, we propose a methodology to detect the complete breast contour, including the pectoral muscle, using multi-modality data. Exterior contour is obtained from 3D reconstructed data acquired from low-cost RGB-D sensors, and the interior contour (pectoral muscle) is obtained from Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) data. Quantitative evaluation indicates that the proposed methodology performs an acceptable detection of breast contour, which is also confirmed by visual evaluation.


Spacial Aliasing Artefact Detection on T1-Weighted MRI Images

Teixeira, JF; Oliveira, HP;


Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) exams suffer from undesirable structure replicating and overlapping effects on certain acquisition settings. These are called Spatial Aliasing Artefacts (SAA) and their presence interferes with the segmentation of other anatomical structures. This paper addresses the segmentation of the SAA in T1-weighted MRI image sets, in order to effectively remove their influence over the legitimately positioned body structures. The proposed method comprises an initial thresholding, employing the Triangle method, an aggregation of neighboring voxels through Region Growing. Further refinement of the objects contour is obtained with Convex Hull and a Minimum Path algorithm applied to two orthogonal planes (Sagittal and Axial). Some experiments concerning the extension of the pipeline used are reported and the results seem promising. The average contour distance concerning the Ground Truth (GT) rounds 2.5mm and area metrics point out average overlaps above 64% with the GT. Some issues concerning the fusion between the output from the two planes are to be perfected. Nevertheless, the results seems sufficient to neutralize the influence of SAA and expedite the downstream anatomical segmentation tasks.


A Regression Model for Predicting Shape Deformation after Breast Conserving Surgery

Zolfagharnasab, H; Bessa, S; Oliveira, SP; Faria, P; Teixeira, JF; Cardoso, JS; Oliveira, HP;


Breast cancer treatments can have a negative impact on breast aesthetics, in case when surgery is intended to intersect tumor. For many years mastectomy was the only surgical option, but more recently breast conserving surgery (BCS) has been promoted as a liable alternative to treat cancer while preserving most part of the breast. However, there is still a significant number of BCS intervened patients who are unpleasant with the result of the treatment, which leads to self-image issues and emotional overloads. Surgeons recognize the value of a tool to predict the breast shape after BCS to facilitate surgeon/patient communication and allow more educated decisions; however, no such tool is available that is suited for clinical usage. These tools could serve as a way of visually sensing the aesthetic consequences of the treatment. In this research, it is intended to propose a methodology for predict the deformation after BCS by using machine learning techniques. Nonetheless, there is no appropriate dataset containing breast data before and after surgery in order to train a learning model. Therefore, an in-house semi-synthetic dataset is proposed to fulfill the requirement of this research. Using the proposed dataset, several learning methodologies were investigated, and promising outcomes are obtained.

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