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Publicações por Guillermina Cledou


Hubs for VirtuosoNext: Online verification of real-time coordinators

Cledou, G; Proenca, J; Sputh, BHC; Verhulst, E;


VirtuosoNextTM is a distributed real-time operating system (RTOS) featuring a generic programming model dubbed Interacting Entities. This paper focuses on these interactions, implemented as so-called Hubs. Hubs act as synchronisation and communication mechanisms between the application tasks and implement the services provided by the kernel. While the kernel provides the most basic services, each carefully designed, tested and optimised, tasks are limited to this handful of basic hubs, leaving the development of more complex mechanisms up to application specific implementations. This work presents a toolset that supports the building of new services compositionally, using notions borrowed from the Reo coordination language, on which the developer can delegate coordination-related duties. This toolset uses a formal compositional semantics for hubs that captures dataflow and time, formalising the behaviour of existing hubs, and allowing the definition of new ones. Furthermore, it enables the analysis and verification of hubs under our automata interpretation, including time-sensitive behaviour via the UPPAAL model checker, usable on http://arcatools .org /hubs. We illustrate the proposed tools and methods by verifying key properties on different interaction scenarios between tasks and a composed hub.


Featured Team Automata

ter Beek, MH; Cledou, G; Hennicker, R; Proença, J;

Formal Methods - 24th International Symposium, FM 2021, Virtual Event, November 20-26, 2021, Proceedings



API Generation for Multiparty Session Types, Revisited and Revised Using Scala 3

Cledou, G; Edixhoven, L; Jongmans, SS; Proença, J;

36th European Conference on Object-Oriented Programming, ECOOP 2022, June 6-10, 2022, Berlin, Germany.

Construction and analysis of distributed systems is difficult. Multiparty session types (MPST) constitute a method to make it easier. The idea is to use type checking to statically prove deadlock freedom and protocol compliance of communicating processes. In practice, the premier approach to apply the MPST method in combination with mainstream programming languages has been based on API generation. In this paper (pearl), we revisit and revise this approach. Regarding our “revisitation”, using Scala 3, we present the existing API generation approach, which is based on deterministic finite automata (DFA), in terms of both the existing states-as-classes encoding of DFAs as APIs, and a new states-as-type-parameters encoding; the latter leverages match types in Scala 3. Regarding our “revision”, also using Scala 3, we present a new API generation approach that is based on sets of pomsets instead of DFAs; it crucially leverages match types, too. Our fresh perspective allows us to avoid two forms of combinatorial explosion resulting from implementing concurrent subprotocols in the DFA-based approach. We implement our approach in a new API generation tool. © Guillermina Cledou, Luc Edixhoven, Sung-Shik Jongmans, and Jos Proena; licensed under Creative Commons License CC-BY 4.0


API Generation for Multiparty Session Types, Revisited and Revised Using Scala 3 (Artifact)

Cledou, G; Edixhoven, L; Jongmans, SS; Proença, J;

Dagstuhl Artifacts Ser.



Branching Pomsets for Choreographies

Edixhoven, L; Jongmans, SS; Proença, J; Cledou, G;

Proceedings 15th Interaction and Concurrency Experience, ICE 2022, Lucca, Italy, 17th June 2022.


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