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Publicações por Diogo Pernes Cunha


A robust fingerprint presentation attack detection method against unseen attacks through adversarial learning

Pereira, JA; Sequeira, AF; Pernes, D; Cardoso, JS;


Fingerprint presentation attack detection (PAD) methods present a stunning performance in current literature. However, the fingerprint PAD generalisation problem is still an open challenge requiring the development of methods able to cope with sophisticated and unseen attacks as our eventual intruders become more capable. This work addresses this problem by applying a regularisation technique based on an adversarial training and representation learning specifically designed to to improve the PAD generalisation capacity of the model to an unseen attack. In the adopted approach, the model jointly learns the representation and the classifier from the data, while explicitly imposing invariance in the high-level representations regarding the type of attacks for a robust PAD. The application of the adversarial training methodology is evaluated in two different scenarios: i) a handcrafted feature extraction method combined with a Multilayer Perceptron (MLP); and ii) an end-to-end solution using a Convolutional Neural Network (CNN). The experimental results demonstrated that the adopted regularisation strategies equipped the neural networks with increased PAD robustness. The adversarial approach particularly improved the CNN models' capacity for attacks detection in the unseen-attack scenario, showing remarkable improved APCER error rates when compared to state-of-the-art methods in similar conditions.


Tackling unsupervised multi-source domain adaptation with optimism and consistency

Pernes, D; Cardoso, JS;


It has been known for a while that the problem of multi-source domain adaptation can be regarded as a single source domain adaptation task where the source domain corresponds to a mixture of the original source domains. Nonetheless, how to adjust the mixture distribution weights remains an open question. Moreover, most existing work on this topic focuses only on minimizing the error on the source domains and achieving domain-invariant representations, which is insufficient to ensure low error on the target domain. In this work, we present a novel framework that addresses both problems and beats the current state of the art by using a mildly optimistic objective function and consistency regularization on the target samples.


Hidden Markov models on a self-organizing map for anomaly detection in 802.11 wireless networks

Allahdadi, A; Pernes, D; Cardoso, JS; Morla, R;


The present work introduces a hybrid integration of the self-organizing map and the hidden Markov model (HMM) for anomaly detection in 802.11 wireless networks. The self-organizing hidden Markov model map (SOHMMM) deals with the spatial connections of HMMs, along with the inherent temporal dependencies of data sequences. In essence, an HMM is associated with each neuron of the SOHMMM lattice. In this paper, the SOHMMM algorithm is employed for anomaly detection in 802.11 wireless access point usage data. Furthermore, we extend the SOHMMM online gradient descent unsupervised learning algorithm for multivariate Gaussian emissions. The experimental analysis uses two types of data: synthetic data to investigate the accuracy and convergence of the SOHMMM algorithm and wireless simulation data to verify the significance and efficiency of the algorithm in anomaly detection. The sensitivity and specificity of the SOHMMM algorithm in anomaly detection are compared to two other approaches, namely HMM initialized with universal background model (HMM-UBM) and SOHMMM with zero neighborhood (Z-SOHMMM). The results from the wireless simulation experiments show that SOHMMM outperformed the aforementioned approaches in all the presented anomalous scenarios.

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