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Publicações por Joana Maria Hora


Improving the Service Level of Bus Transportation Systems: Evaluation and Optimization of Bus Schedules' Robustness

Hora, J; Dias, TG; Camanho, A;


This study proposes an optimization model to improve the robustness of an existing bus schedule. Robustness represents the ability of schedules to absorb deviations from the timetable and to prevent their propagation through the daily operations. The model developed proposes an optimal assignment of arrival times and distribution of slacks among Time Control Points of a bus line, in order to minimize delays and anticipations from schedule. This required the use of data collected through GPS devices installed in buses, informing the location of buses during their daily operation. The robustness of bus schedules was evaluated through the quantification of delays and anticipations of real observations of bus shifts by comparison with the timetable. The performance measures used to evaluate robustness are the average delay (or anticipation) of buses by comparison with the timetable, and the probability that a passenger that arrives on time according to the timetable will miss the bus or have to wait more than a specified threshold at a Time Control Point. We also compared the improvement of the schedule proposed by the optimization model with the original schedule. The results obtained in a real-world case study, corresponding to a bus line operating in Porto, showed that the model could return an improved schedule for all performance measures considered when compared with the original schedule.


Optimizing Large Scale Problems With Metaheuristics in a Reduced Space Mapped by Autoencoders-Application to the Wind-Hydro Coordination

Miranda, V; Martins, JD; Palma, V;


This paper explores a technique denoted LASCA to solve large scale optimization problems with metaheuristics by reducing the search space dimension with autoassociative neural networks. The technique applies autoencoders as a reversible mapping between the original problem space and a reduced space. A metaheuristic then evolves in the latter, having its objective function assessed in the original space. The technique is illustrated with an application of an Evolutionary Particle Swarm Optimization (EPSO) algorithm to four benchmarking unconstrained optimization functions and to a wind-hydro constrained coordination problem. The new technique allows an improvement in the quality of the solutions attained.


Modelo de apoio à gestão da pescaria de bivalves com ganchorra no Algarve baseado em dinâmica de sistemas

Camanho, AS; Martins, JH; Oliveira, MM; Gaspar, MB;

Investigação operacional em ação: casos de aplicação



A review of performance criteria to validate simulation models

Hora, J; Campos, P;


This study reviews performance criteria adequate to validate simulation models through the comparison of two quantitative data sets, concerning historical and simulated data. The criteria reviewed were organized according to its characteristics into the groups: error-based measures, information theory measures, information criteria, parametric tests, non-parametric tests, distance-based measures and combined measures. Each criterion is reviewed through its mathematic definition, its applications in literature and the identification of its advantages and drawbacks. The features assessed by each criterion are identified and discussed. This study provides a concise outline over the criteria reviewed, which can be used as a guide to help developers of simulation models into the decision on the most appropriate criteria to validate their models.


Estimation of Origin-Destination matrices under Automatic Fare Collection: The case study of Porto transportation system

Hora, J; Dias, TG; Camanho, A; Sobral, T;

Transportation Research Procedia

Entry-only Automatic Fare Collection (AFC) systems are widely used in urban transports. Its main advantages include easy usability by passengers, improvement of the efficiency of revenue management, adequacy to integrate inter-modality approaches, easy cooperation between operators, systematic data collection and gathering tools, contributing to improve the planning process. This work starts with the literature review on applications of the Trip-Chaining Method (TCM) to the estimation of Origin-Destination (OD) matrices using entry-only AFC data. The main contribution of this study is to provide an OD matrix for the city of Porto, allowing to improve the quality of its public transport system. The paper reports the implementation of the TCM to estimate the alighting locations at the disaggregated level in the case study of Porto. The main assumptions adopted are: passengers start the next journey stage at or near the alighting location of their previous trip, passengers end the last trip of the day at the boarding location of the first trip of the day, passengers can only alight in the sequence of stops not yet traveled by the route / direction they boarded, passengers have a maximum interchange distance, above which the destination of that journey stage is not inferred. © 2017 The Authors. Published by Elsevier B.V.


A system dynamics model to support the management of artisanal dredge fisheries in the south coast of Portugal

Martins, J; Camanho, A; Oliveira, M; Gaspar, M;


This paper presents a management model developed to promote the sustainability of artisanal fisheries, considering socioeconomic and environmental dimensions. The management of artisanal fisheries faces many challenges, including the lack of appropriate tools to support policy makers and stakeholders in the decision-making process. The model presented in this study is based on system dynamics and allows the simulation of the behavior of the artisanal dredge fishery on the south coast of Portugal, including four main species and two fleets. Two scenarios were simulated to assess the impact of regulatory measures on the system sustainability: scenario 1 simulated a permanent reduction of fishing effort, returning an improvement of biologic and economic sustainability; scenario 2 simulated the closure of one species for a period of one year to allow its recovery. It was found that although the revenue of fisheries decreases in that year, the system is able to return to the average levels of revenue three years after the closure. The study aimed to guide decision makers in the selection of the most appropriate measures toward the preservation of marine ecosystems and socioeconomic stability of fishing communities. The developed system dynamics model, combining available data with knowledge of fisheries experts, proved to be a useful scientific tool to identify management policies and organizational structures leading to greater success. This technique can be applied to the study of other fishery systems worldwide.

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