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Publicações por Nuno Dias


MarinEye - A tool for marine monitoring

Martins, A; Dias, A; Silva, E; Ferreira, H; Dias, I; Almeida, JM; Torgo, L; Goncalves, M; Guedes, M; Dias, N; Jorge, P; Mucha, AP; Magalhaes, C; Carvalho, MDF; Ribeiro, H; Almeida, CMR; Azevedo, I; Ramos, S; Borges, T; Leandro, SM; Maranhao, P; Mouga, T; Gamboa, R; Lemos, M; dos Santos, A; Silva, A; Teixeira, BFE; Bartilotti, C; Marques, R; Cotrim, S;


This work presents an autonomous system for marine integrated physical-chemical and biological monitoring - the MarinEye system. It comprises a set of sensors providing diverse and relevant information for oceanic environment characterization and marine biology studies. It is constituted by a physical-chemical water properties sensor suite, a water filtration and sampling system for DNA collection, a plankton imaging system and biomass assessment acoustic system. The MarinEye system has onboard computational and logging capabilities allowing it either for autonomous operation or for integration in other marine observing systems (such as Observatories or robotic vehicles. It was designed in order to collect integrated multi-trophic monitoring data. The validation in operational environment on 3 marine observatories: RAIA, BerlengasWatch and Cascais on the coast of Portugal is also discussed.


Simulation Environment for Multi-robot Cooperative 3D Target Perception

Dias, A; Almeida, J; Dias, N; Lima, P; Silva, E;


Field experiments with a team of heterogeneous robots require human and hardware resources which cannot be implemented in a straightforward manner. Therefore, simulation environments are viewed by the robotic community as a powerful tool that can be used as an intermediate step to evaluate and validate the developments prior to their integration in real robots. This paper evaluates a novel multi-robot heterogeneous cooperative perception framework based on monocular measurements under the MORSE robotic simulation environment. The simulations are performed in an outdoor environment using a team of Micro Aerial Vehicles (MAV) and an Unmanned Ground Vehicle (UGV) performing distributed cooperative perception based on monocular measurements. The goal is to estimate the 3D target position.


Strengthening Marine and Maritime Research and Technology The STRONGMAR project

Silva, E; Martins, A; Dias, A; Matos, A; Olivier, A; Pinho, C; de Sa, FA; Ferreira, H; Silva, H; Alves, JC; Almeida, JM; Pessoa, L; Ricardo, M; Cruz, N; Dias, N; Monica, P; Jorge, P; Campos, R;


INESC TEC is strongly committed to become a center of excellence in maritime technology and, in particular, deep sea technology. The STRONGMAR project aims at creating solid and productive links in the global field of marine science and technology between INESC TEC and established leading research European institutions, capable of enhancing the scientific and technological capacity of INESC TEC and linked institutions, helping raising its staff's research profile and its recognition as a European maritime research center of excellence. The STRONGMAR project seeks complementarity to the TEC4SEA research infrastructure: on the one hand, TEC4SEA promotes the establishment of a unique infrastructure of research and technological development, and on the other, the STRONGMAR project intends to develop the scientific expertise of the research team of INESC TEC.


UX 1 system design - A robotic system for underwater mining exploration

Martins, A; Almeida, J; Almeida, C; Dias, A; Dias, N; Aaltonen, J; Heininen, A; Koskinen, KT; Rossi, C; Dominguez, S; Voros, C; Henley, S; McLoughlin, M; van Moerkerk, H; Tweedie, J; Bodo, B; Zajzon, N; Silva, E;


This paper describes the UX-1 underwater mine exploration robotic system under development in the context of the UNEXMIN project. UNEXMIN is an international innovation action funded under the EU H2020 program, aiming to develop new technologies and services allowing the exploration of flooded underground mines. The system is comprised by the UX-1 robot prototype, launch and recovery system, command and control subsystem and a data management and post-processing computational infrastructure. The UX-1 robot is a small spherical robot equipped with a multibeam sonar, five digital cameras and rotating laser line structured light systems. It is capable of obtaining an accurate point cloud of the surrounding environment along with high resolution imagery. A set of mineralogy, water parameters and geophysical sensors was also developed in order to obtain a more comprehensive mine model. These comprise a multi-spectral camera, electro-conductivity, pH, magnetic field sensors, a subbottom sonar, total natural gamma-ray detector, UV-light for fluorescent observation and a water sampling unit. The design of the system is presented along with the robot design. Some preliminary results are also presented and discussed


Development of an autonomous biosampler to capture in situ aquatic microbiomes

Ribeiro, H; Martins, A; Goncalves, M; Guedes, M; Tomasino, MP; Dias, N; Dias, A; Mucha, AP; Carvalho, MF; Almeida, CMR; Ramos, S; Almeida, JM; Silva, E; Magalhaes, C;


The importance of planktonic microbial communities is well acknowledged, since they are fundamental for several natural processes of aquatic ecosystems. Microorganisms naturally control the flux of nutrients, and also degrade and recycle anthropogenic organic and inorganic contaminants. Nevertheless, climate change effects and/or the runoff of nutrients/pollutants can affect the equilibrium of natural microbial communities influencing the occurrence of microbial pathogens and/or microbial toxin producers, which can compromise ecosystem environmental status. Therefore, improved microbial plankton monitoring is essential to better understand how these communities respond to environmental shifts. The study of marine microbial communities typically involves highly cost and time-consuming sampling procedures, which can limit the frequency of sampling and data availability. In this context, we developed and validated an in situ autonomous biosampler (IS-ABS) able to collect/concentrate in situ planktonic communities of different size fractions (targeting prokaryotes and unicellular eukaryotes) for posterior genomic, metagenomic, and/or transcriptomic analysis at a home laboratory. The IS-ABS field prototype is a small size and compact system able to operate up to 150 m depth. Water is pumped by a micropump (TCS MG2000) through a hydraulic circuit that allows in situ filtration of environmental water in one or more Sterivex filters placed in a filter cartridge. The IS-ABS also includes an application to program sampling definitions, allowing pre-setting configuration of the sampling. The efficiency of the IS-ABS was tested against traditional laboratory filtration standardized protocols. Results showed a good performance in terms of DNA recovery, as well as prokaryotic (16S rDNA) and eukaryotic (18S rDNA) community diversity analysis, using either methodologies. The IS-ABS automates the process of collecting environmental DNA, and is suitable for integration in water observation systems, what will contribute to substantially increase biological surveillances. Also, the use of highly sensitive genomic approaches allows a further study of the diversity and functions of whole or specific microbial communities.


An holistic monitoring system for measurement of the atmospheric electric field over the ocean - the SAIL campaign

Barbosa, S; Dias, N; Almeida, C; Amaral, G; Ferreira, A; Lima, L; Silva, I; Martins, A; Almeida, J; Camilo, M; Silva, E;


The atmospheric electric field is a key characteristic of the Earth system. Despite its relevance, oceanic measurements of the atmospheric electric field are scarce, as typically oceanic measurements tend to be focused on ocean properties rather than on the atmosphere above. This motivated the set-up of an innovative campaign on board the sail ship NRP Sagres focused on the measurement of the atmospheric electric field in the marine boundary layer. This paper describes the monitoring system that was developed to measure the atmospheric electric field during the planned circumnavigation expedition of the sail ship NRP Sagres.

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