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  • Nome

    Pedro Nuno Almeida
  • Cargo

    Assistente de Investigação
  • Desde

    19 novembro 2020


NEREON - An Underwater Dataset for Monocular Depth Estimation

Dionisio, JMM; Pereira, PNAAS; Leite, PN; Neves, FS; Tavares, JMRS; Pinto, AM;


Structures associated with offshore wind energy production require an arduous and cyclical inspection and maintenance (O&M) procedure. Moreover, the harsh challenges introduced by sub-sea phenomena hamper visibility, considerably affecting underwater missions. The lack of quality 3D information within these environments hinders the applicability of autonomous solutions in close-range navigation, fault inspection and intervention tasks since these have a very poor perception of the surrounding space. Deep learning techniques are widely used to solve these challenges in aerial scenarios. The developments in this subject are limited regarding underwater environments due to the lack of publicly disseminated underwater information. This article presents a new underwater dataset: NEREON, containing both 2D and 3D data gathered within real underwater environments at the ATLANTIS Coastal Test Centre. This dataset is adequate for monocular depth estimation tasks, which can provide useful information during O&M missions. With this in mind, a benchmark comparing different deep learning approaches in the literature was conducted and presented along with the NEREON dataset.


Shore Control Centre for Multi-Domain Heterogeneous Robotic Vehicles

Neves, FS; Campos, HJ; Campos, DF; Claro, RM; Almeida, PN; Marques, JV; Pinto, AM;


Given the increased interest in offshore wind energy, there is a greater need for advancements in operation and maintenance technology. As a result, robotic solutions are required to avoid human risky behavior and reduce associated operational costs. In order to accommodate the need for inspecting multiple domains, multiple robotic vehicles are utilized, which requires the deployment of control stations that can effectively monitor, facilitate communication among different vehicles, and ensure successful completion of the overall mission. A shore control centre (SCC) is a communication software infrastructure capable of monitoring, localizing and planning missions for a group of multi-domain heterogeneous robots within a local network. This paper proposes an SCC as: (i) an active monitor by continuously observing the local behaviour of each robot and the global progress of the mission and its safety; (ii) a mission planner that provides and supervises its execution while constantly checking for critical failures and intervening in the case of unexpected events. Also, The control centre is able to connect to multiple vehicles from various domains and monitor real-time data. Accordingly, validation procedures were carried out in real conditions.


An Inverse Kinematics Approach for the Analysis and Active Control of a Four-UPR Motion-Compensated Platform for UAV-ASV Cooperation

Pereira, P; Campilho, R; Pinto, A;


In the present day, unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) technology is being used for a multitude of inspection operations, including those in offshore structures such as wind-farms. Due to the distance of these structures to the coast, drones need to be carried to these structures via ship. To achieve a completely autonomous operation, the UAV can greatly benefit from an autonomous surface vehicle (ASV) to transport the UAV to the operation location and coordinate a successful landing between the two. This work presents the concept of a four-link parallel platform to perform wave-motion synchronization to facilitate UAV landings. The parallel platform consists of two base floaters connected with rigid rods, linked by linear actuators to a top mobile platform for the landing of a UAV. Using an inverse kinematics approach, a study of the position of the cylinders for greater range of motion and a workspace analysis is achieved. The platform makes use of a feedback controller to reduce the total motion of the landing platform. Using the robotic operating system (ROS) and Gazebo to emulate wave motions and represent the physical model and actuator system, the platform control system was successfully validated.


Development of Components for Autonomous Underwater Vehicles by Design for Excellence Concepts

Pereira, PNAAS; Campilho, RDSG; Pinto, AMG;

Techniques and Innovation in Engineering Research Vol. 7



Application of a Design for Excellence Methodology for a Wireless Charger Housing in Underwater Environments

Pereira, PNDAD; Campilho, RDSG; Pinto, AMG;


A major effort is put into the production of green energy as a countermeasure to climatic changes and sustainability. Thus, the energy industry is currently betting on offshore wind energy, using wind turbines with fixed and floating platforms. This technology can benefit greatly from interventive autonomous underwater vehicles (AUVs) to assist in the maintenance and control of underwater structures. A wireless charger system can extend the time the AUV remains underwater, by allowing it to charge its batteries through a docking station. The present work details the development process of a housing component for a wireless charging system to be implemented in an AUV, addressed as wireless charger housing (WCH), from the concept stage to the final physical verification and operation stage. The wireless charger system prepared in this research aims to improve the longevity of the vehicle mission, without having to return to the surface, by enabling battery charging at a docking station. This product was designed following a design for excellence (DfX) and modular design philosophy, implementing visual scorecards to measure the success of certain design aspects. For an adequate choice of materials, the Ashby method was implemented. The structural performance of the prototypes was validated via a linear static finite element analysis (FEA). These prototypes were further physically verified in a hyperbaric chamber. Results showed that the application of FEA, together with well-defined design goals, enable the WCH optimisation while ensuring up to 75% power efficiency. This methodology produced a system capable of transmitting energy for underwater robotic applications.