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Nasci em Cinfães, Portugal em 1984. Completei o Mestrado Integrado em Engenharia Eletrotécnica e de Computadores pela Faculdade de Engenharia da Universidade do Porto (FEUP), Portugal em 2009 com a especialidade em mercados de eletricidade. Tenho trabalhado desde então no Centro de Sistema de Energia (CPES) do INESC TEC onde sou bolseiro. O meu contributo profissional inclui participações em projetos de consultoria para empresas portuguesas de energia e participações em projetos europeus na área do planeamento de redes e em projetos com o objetivo de otimizar a operação de sistemas de energia.

A nível pessoal, sou uma pessoa motivada pelo desafio. Sou uma pessoa criativa e co vontade de aprender, não esquecendo o espírito crítico que procuro sempre preservar.

de interesse


  • Nome

    Nuno Soares Fonseca
  • Cargo

  • Desde

    01 junho 2011


Handling der Market Participation: Market Redesign vs Network Augmentation

Fonseca, NS; Soares, F; Iria, J;

International Conference on the European Energy Market, EEM

This paper proposes a planning optimization model to help distribution system operators (DSOs) decide on the most cost-effective investments to handle the wholesale market participation of distributed energy resources (DERs). Two investment options are contemplated: market redesign; and network augmentation. The market redesign is employed through a DSO framework used to coordinate the network-secure participation of DERs in wholesale markets. Network augmentation is achieved by investing in new HV/MV OLTC and MV/LV transformers. To evaluate the performance of our planning model, we used the IEEE 69-bus network with three DER aggregators operating under different DER scenarios. Our tests show that the planning problem suggests investment decisions that can help DSOs guarantee network security. Market redesign has shown to be the most cost-effective option. However, this option is not always viable, namely in scenarios where not enough DERs are available to provide network support services. In such scenarios, hybrid investment solutions are required. © 2024 IEEE.


DSO framework to handle high participation of DER in electricity markets

Fonseca, NS; Soares, F; Coelho, A; Iria, J;


This paper proposes a new decentralized framework for distribution system operators (DSO) to evaluate the network feasibility of the aggregators' bids and remunerate them in case of providing network support services. Compared to other state-of-the-art approaches, this framework is characterized as being more efficient in terms of communication and computational requirements, which is a great advantage for real world applications. The new framework includes a novel optimization model to decide if aggregators' bids should be curtailed or not to ensure network security and minimize DSO costs. To evaluate and compare the proposed DSO framework against the current one, we used the IEEE 69-bus network with three aggregators of distributed energy resources (DER) from the Iberian electricity market. Our experiments show that the proposed DSO framework ensures distribution network security, while the current framework in place in the Iberian Peninsula does not. In addition, we also studied three curtailment policies for the new DSO framework. The results show that minimizing curtailment costs is the most cost-effective policy for the DSO, compared to the other two policies focused on minimizing linear and squared curtailments.



Usman M.; Mohandes B.; Capitanescu F.; Madureira A.G.; Bolfek M.; Matisic Z.; Soares F.J.; Fonseca N.; Teixeira H.; Mateo C.;

IET Conference Proceedings

Achieving carbon neutral power systems is pushing for higher penetration of distributed energy resources (DER) in existing distribution systems. Accordingly, sophisticated, yet, practical tools for the optimal operation and management of active distribution systems (ADS) are in high need. In response to this necessity, this paper presents a novel and scalable tool for ancillary services procurement by distribution system operators (DSOs). The developed tool takes into consideration the inter-temporal and variable nature of DER in an uncertainty-aware approach. This tool is also suited for real-world implementation with large ADS, as it adopts a sequential linearization approach. As such, it allows DSOs to procure flexibility optimally from DERs embedded in ADS in the day-ahead operation planning timeframe, where congestion and voltage issues are managed.


A gamification platform to foster energy efficiency in office buildings

Iria, J; Fonseca, N; Cassola, F; Barbosa, A; Soares, F; Coelho, A; Ozdemir, A;


Office buildings consume a significant amount of energy that can be reduced through behavioral change. Gamification offers the means to influence the energy consumption related to the activities of the office users. This paper presents a new mobile gamification platform to foster the adoption of energy efficient behaviors in office buildings. The gamification platform is a mobile application with multiple types of dashboards, such as (1) an information dashboard to increase the awareness of the users about their energy consumption and footprint, (2) a gaming dashboard to engage users in real-time energy efficiency competitions, (3) a leaderboard to promote peer competition and comparison, and (4) a message dashboard to send tailor-made messages about energy efficiency opportunities. The engagement and gamification strategies embedded in these dashboards exploit economic, environmental, and social motivations to stimulate office users to adopt energy efficient behaviors without compromising their comfort and autonomy levels. The gamification platform was demonstrated in an office building environment. The results suggest electricity savings of 20%. © 2020 Elsevier B.V.


Joint analysis of the Portuguese and Spanish NECP for 2021-2030

De Oliveira, AR; Collado, JV; Lopes, JAP; Saraiva, JPT; Fonseca, NS; Domenech, S; Campos, FA;

International Conference on the European Energy Market, EEM

The European Union (EU) energy strategy towards decarbonization led EU countries to elaborate their corresponding National Energy and Climate Plans (NECP) for the period 2021 to 2030. This paper analyzes the Portuguese and Spanish NECPs concerning their power systems. CEVESA, a model for the long-term planning and operation of the Iberian electricity system, is used. The analysis is based on simulating the reference NECP scenario, as well as other alternative scenarios with different solar and wind generation shares, CO2 prices and fuel costs. Results provide insights on the MIBEL electricity market evolution under the current decarbonization national strategies. © 2020 IEEE.